Skrevet av Emne: EX-Manager: Simon Grayson  (Lest 447408 ganger)

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Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #240 på: April 10, 2009, 12:30:41 »
LEEDS UNITED: Rivals adopt silent approach

Simon Grayson

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By Phil Hay
Leeds United and Blackpool were maintaining a strict silence today after settling their dispute over Simon Grayson's appointment as Elland Road manager.
The clubs reached an agreement over Grayson's move at a disciplinary hearing in Manchester yesterday, but the terms of their settlement will not be made public and both clubs have declared the case closed.

United were accused of breaking Football League rules by naming Grayson as their boss on December 23, hours after he resigned from his position at Bloomfield Road.

The seasiders complained to the Football League, accusing Leeds of an illegal approach, and they were understood to be seeking around £200,000 in compensation.

A joint statement issued by the clubs after yesterday's hearing, at which Grayson was present, made no reference to any financial payment and did not reveal whether Leeds had been cleared of rule-breaking by the three-man panel.

In the statement, Leeds chief executive Shaun Harvey said: "We are delighted that this matter is now resolved and Simon can concentrate on the work he has started in seeking to get the club promoted."
Blackpool chairman Karl Oyston turned down an initial offer of compensation from Leeds and was outspoken in his criticism of the Elland Road club after Grayson's departure, but he also insisted he was happy with the agreement struck.

"We are pleased to have resolved this matter," he said. "We wish Simon and Leeds United well for the future."

A Football League spokesman confirmed that the tribunal's verdict would not be made public, saying: "It's a private agreement between the clubs."

Leeds United will always have a special place in my heart....and a bunch of men and women who enjoy speed and excitement.

Jon R

Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #241 på: April 10, 2009, 12:52:38 »
Oppløftende at klubben evner å løse konflikter uten en masse støy i media. Så finnes det altså bedre alternativer enn å kjøre sakene via Bates sarkastiske sladrespalte i matchprogrammene.    :)
Jon R.


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #242 på: April 17, 2009, 16:19:18 »
Leeds and Blackpool blackout

Karl Oyston, Blackpool's chairman, never lacked an opinion when asked about the manner in which Leeds United recruited his former manager, Simon Grayson.
Three weeks before the dispute over Grayson's defection to Elland Road reached a Football League tribunal, Oyston made the unambiguous claim that Leeds "stole our manager and made an illegal approach, inducing him to breach his contract and that's a fact".
It repeated concisely the 350-word statement he issued on the day of Grayson's appointment by United, accusing Leeds of breaching Football League rules, of acting "unprofessionally and underhandedly" and of showing "total disregard for the regulations that govern football".
Those are not petty charges.
How strange, then, that he should have so little to say after resolving the matter last week. Blackpool and Leeds issued a joint statement that amounted to a blackout.
No confirmation of a verdict, no mention of a financial settlement and nothing more than quotes from Oyston and United's chief executive Shaun Harvey wishing each other well.
A private agreement was their prerogative, according to the Football League, but it left unanswered the allegations made publicly against Leeds.
If they were guilty of breaching regulations, it would seem appropriate to say so. If not, they should be exonerated from the accusations made repeatedly by Oyston.
The insistence from Elland Road throughout the dispute was one of total innocence.
As for a financial settlement, it was plain that Oyston expected one.
If money did change hands, then why the need for total secrecy? United wanted Grayson's services and so far he has been a shrewd investment.
Supporters in general accept that managers like that do not often come for free.
It is not the case that Leeds or Blackpool should be obliged to provide full disclosure, but greater transparency would have been welcome.
There is something unsatisfactory about such an open matter going quiet at the death.


Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #243 på: April 18, 2009, 23:38:55 »
Simon Grayson er den mest suksessfulle manageren i Leeds' historie. Han har med sine 65.15% nesten 3 % mer enn Don Revie.

Sjekk wikipedia idag:

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


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Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #244 på: Mai 08, 2009, 11:40:45 »
Interessant artikkel om Grayson på BBC (som du ikke finner via Newsnow), hvor jeg synes journalisten kommer litt mer under huden på Grayson enn det vi vanligvis får presentert:

Sjekk også kommentarene under - med en del bra synspunkter fra Blackpoolsupporterne - bl.a. nr 18.
So-called Leedsfans, so-called Leedsfans, so-called Leedsfans - We are here....

Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #245 på: Juli 24, 2009, 21:41:51 »
...etter en halv sesong i Leeds!

GRAYSON's record (League): 25 Pl, 16 W (64%), 4 D (16%), 5 L (20%), Ave 2.1 pts per game
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #246 på: August 12, 2009, 20:27:39 »
Malcolm McDonald or SuperMac to the older generation came out and said on 3 Legends radio show recently that Ashley approached a fellow manager in a Pre-Season friendly and the said manager told him no amount of money would make him leave the club he loves. He wouldnt say which club, but surely has to be Grayson 

Et godt svar fra nikkedokka Grayson, h.b...  ;D
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Svend Anders

Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #247 på: August 12, 2009, 23:47:29 »
Noen som har spørsmål til Simon, sånn i tilfelle han skulle ha tid til å svare på noen rett før TPN-deadline?



  • Gjest
Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #248 på: August 12, 2009, 23:51:55 »
Noen som har spørsmål til Simon, sånn i tilfelle han skulle ha tid til å svare på noen rett før TPN-deadline?


Skulle gjerne likt å hørt om han ville satt hardt mot hardt. Altså jobben sin på spill for å trumfe gjennom f.eks 3 millioner pund til spillerkjøp hvis det viser seg at troppen er for dårlig og at det eneste som kan styrke laget er 3 spillere  som er tilgjengelig for 1 million pund hver, og dermed gjøre opprykssjansene større i Januar


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #249 på: August 13, 2009, 00:21:18 »
Noen som har spørsmål til Simon, sånn i tilfelle han skulle ha tid til å svare på noen rett før TPN-deadline?


Du kunne jo høre om han/de har sett på eller om de har noen norske eller skandinaviske spillere i kikkerten,og hvordan det ligger ann med en signering for Sodje.
Leeds United will always have a special place in my heart....and a bunch of men and women who enjoy speed and excitement.


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #250 på: August 13, 2009, 00:25:12 »
Har ikke Grayson allerede svart på et lignende spørsmå, hbl?

Da det ble sagt av Bates at midler var tilgjengelig etter Delphs salg, svarte Grayson at eventuelle kjøp ville være riktige og nøye overveid. Det skal ikke kjøpes for å kjøpes og at stallen allerede er god nok om ikke de ønskede spillere er tilgjengelig.

I have told Simon there is money available, but he turned around with the most honest answer I've heard from a football manager in 20-odd years and said 'I'm not going to let it burn a hole in my pocket, but it's nice to know it's there if I need it.'

"That's how he intends to use it! He acts in a very responsible manner which contributes to the club's stability.

"I genuinely feel I have a squad capable of doing it without any major strengthening.

"I have one or two targets lined up and we'll see where we go with them, but any money we spend will be spent wisely. I'm not going to spend any money just for the sake of it.

"Any players that do come here will be for the right reasons, not for financial reasons.
"Hopefully we have enough about us to do the job we're looking to do.

"When you look at Fab's position, we have players who are capable of playing there. Prutts did well there last Saturday, there's Neil Kilkenny, Bradley Johnson, and we have players who fit the bill who are already here."
Marching on together!

Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #251 på: August 13, 2009, 10:39:18 »
Noen som har spørsmål til Simon, sånn i tilfelle han skulle ha tid til å svare på noen rett før TPN-deadline?


1) Be ham plassere Grella på høyre kant - så er det løst... Evt få en kommentar.

2) Spør om Newcastle har snoka etter ham...

3) Fortell ham at vi er minst to som kommer til å kjøpe ny drakt med Beckford trykket på hvis Grayson klarer å lokke ham til å se en fremtid i Leeds United!

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


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Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #252 på: August 13, 2009, 10:57:08 »
Mulig timingen ikke blir helt riktig, men kunne være interessant å høre hvilke endringer Grayson & Co har gjort ift organisering/trening/taktikk etc for forsvaret - sett ift det Macca hadde gjort....

Leste et eller annet sted at Macca/Staunton hadde prøvd å innføre en slags sonemarkering i forsvaret, som spillerne hatet..... Noe vi jo alle så hvordan fungerte i praksis....  :-\
So-called Leedsfans, so-called Leedsfans, so-called Leedsfans - We are here....


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #253 på: August 13, 2009, 11:34:09 »
Noen som har spørsmål til Simon, sånn i tilfelle han skulle ha tid til å svare på noen rett før TPN-deadline?

Tips ham om Moldes Thioune. Det hadde vært noe..


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #254 på: August 13, 2009, 12:04:37 »
Noen som har spørsmål til Simon, sånn i tilfelle han skulle ha tid til å svare på noen rett før TPN-deadline?

Tips ham om Moldes Thioune. Det hadde vært noe..

Vi må nok komme oss litt høyere opp i systemet før vi kan hente spillere på det nivået. Vil tippe at Thioune drar fra Molde til en klubb i øverste divisjon i England, Spania eller Frankrike etter sesongen.


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #255 på: August 13, 2009, 13:34:44 »
Du kan jo tipse han om finanskrisen blant norske klubber... Finnes nok en å annen god deal som kan gjøres her


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #256 på: August 19, 2009, 19:03:38 »
Grayson hadde følgende å si om den litt klønete straffen Rui forærte Walsall i tirsdagens match:

"The lad went into the box and Rui didn't stay on his feet. I'm not going to criticise because I thought we defended well throughout, it was just one of things."

Synes dette viser hvor fornuftig denne mannen er. Vi forsvarte godt hele kampen, men uhell kan skje. Han gjør det tydelig at Rui gjorde en litt klønete jobb, men gir ham ikke dårlig selvtillit av den grunn. Deilig å se.


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #257 på: August 20, 2009, 07:40:37 »

tror nok du har helt rett Budda(desverre


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Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #258 på: August 20, 2009, 08:29:08 »
Grayson hadde følgende å si om den litt klønete straffen Rui forærte Walsall i tirsdagens match:

"The lad went into the box and Rui didn't stay on his feet. I'm not going to criticise because I thought we defended well throughout, it was just one of things."

Synes dette viser hvor fornuftig denne mannen er. Vi forsvarte godt hele kampen, men uhell kan skje. Han gjør det tydelig at Rui gjorde en litt klønete jobb, men gir ham ikke dårlig selvtillit av den grunn. Deilig å se.

Yeboahs vitne


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #259 på: August 21, 2009, 11:56:06 »
Grayson står fram som en god manager, bra han ikke kritiserer Rui her. Bygg opp selvtilliten og den gode følelsen. Marching on together  ;D


  • Gjest
Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #260 på: August 21, 2009, 12:43:27 »
Er det flere enn meg som ikke finner ukens pressekonferanse med Simon på lutv? (Beklager off topic)


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #261 på: August 26, 2009, 10:23:07 »
har på følelsen at Grayson kommer til å bli en levende legende på Elland Road.
har ikke følt sånn trygghet og glede over Leeds siden CL dagene
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #262 på: August 26, 2009, 10:25:05 »
har på følelsen at Grayson kommer til å bli en levende legende på Elland Road.
har ikke følt sånn trygghet og glede over Leeds siden CL dagene

Veldig enig med deg her Sydhagen. Det er rett og slett behagelig for tiden :)

Svend Anders

Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #263 på: August 26, 2009, 10:26:27 »
Det skjærte seg dessverre med Grayson-prat denne gang, men til gjengjeld tok jeg en kort prat med Glyn Snodin da jeg var over.

TPN er i postkassen deres idag, imorgen eller fredag om posten går normalt.


Geir Magne

Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #264 på: August 26, 2009, 17:55:13 »
TPN i kassa i dag, onsdag! Kvalitet som alltid, takk Svend!
Happy days are here again, it's official from Number 10!


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #265 på: Januar 04, 2010, 13:31:34 »

Simon Grayson celebrates at Old Trafford.

Leeds boss Simon Grayson has told any club casting admiring glances in his direction to forget it.
With the managerial merry-go-round about to start spinning as Bolton wait to speak with Owen Coyle, minds are already beginning to turn to who Burnley might turn to if, as expected, their Scottish boss quits for the Reebok Stadium.
Grayson is bound to figure high on that list, having impressed at Blackpool before leaving for Leeds 12 months ago, since when he has patiently built a team that look certain to gain promotion to the Coca-Cola Championship this season.
His blossoming reputation was further enhanced when Leeds recorded their first win at Old Trafford since 1981, dumping Manchester United out of the FA Cup to book a fourth-round trip to Tottenham.
However, any thought Burnley might have of offering someone familiar with the area a chance to cut his managerial teeth in the Premier League can be dismissed immediately.
"My commitment to Leeds United has never been in question," he said.
"I left Blackpool a year ago to join the football club I supported.
"Leeds is a fantastic football club and I am not interested in going anywhere else."
Sunday's match-winner Jermaine Beckford may be toying with the idea of moving up the leagues with Newcastle, but Grayson believes he can achieve all his managerial ambitions by staying where he is.
The chance of restoring a club who reached the Champions League semi-finals in 2001 to former glories was the carrot that enticed him away from Blackpool in the first place.
And, at such an early stage of an enormous project, Grayson has no intention of walking away.
"Leeds do not just have an English fanbase. It is Europe and worldwide," he said.
"But we are in League One for a reason. The only way we get back into the big time is by reaching the Championship and then the Premier League.
"Hopefully that will be the case over the next few years.
"Maybe one day people will look back at the 2010 team that won at Old Trafford in the FA Cup.
"It is that kind of stage players want to perform on and I certainly want to go back there in the next few years managing Leeds United in the Premier League."


"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #268 på: Januar 04, 2010, 16:51:44 »
Respekten bare øker for denne mannen
As I Walk Through The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death, I Will Fear No Evil


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #269 på: Januar 04, 2010, 20:46:32 »
Herlig kar, absolutt!!