Skrevet av Emne: TOMA 2: Nye rykter om eierskifte...  (Lest 453490 ganger)

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Promotion 2010

Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1410 på: Mai 07, 2018, 20:28:54 »
Dette er en TOMA tråd for pokker!  ;)
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1411 på: Mai 07, 2018, 20:29:59 »
Dette er en TOMA tråd for pokker!  ;)

Sorry for avsporingen  ;D
Marching on together
We're gonna see you win (na, na, na, na, na, na)
We are so proud
We shout it out loud
We love you Leeds - Leeds - Leeds


Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1412 på: Mai 07, 2018, 20:40:45 »
Slik det ser ut off Pitch i vår klubb nå mener jeg det kun er spørsmål om tid før det vil vise seg på banen. Jeg har både trua å tålmodighet. Mange har ingen a delene. Fair enough.
Du har vel tippet opprykk de 5 siste årene eller..?

Så det bra ut off pitch med cellino syns du?
Overhodet ikke, men er det så mye bedre nå egentlig? Rad er ikke en bortskjemt drittunge som Cellino, men han har da hatt sine riper i lakken vil jeg si: nedlatende omtale av TC etter sparkingen, intro av ny logo med "alskens" forklaringer på hva dette skulle være for noe, stille spørsmålstegn ved måten Wolves holder på (riktig spørsmål, men det hjelper vel ikke at det på en måte oser av misunnelse og sutring ut i fra hans uttalelser,) Burmaturen og hva det har satt igang....
Du kan gjerne rose Rad opp i skyene for det han har foretatt seg, jeg er dog mer kritisk til hans gjøren og laden nå enn etter hans første uker i sjefsstolen.....

 ;D ;D ;D ;D «er det så mye bedre nå»


Pride of Yorkshire


Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1414 på: Mai 10, 2018, 15:59:37 »
Mer penger til transfers? Artikkelen antyder det ganske sterkt.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020


Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1415 på: Mai 10, 2018, 16:01:03 »
Phil Hay
Companies House registered a near £9m sale of shares in the club today - understood to be the conversion of a loan from Greenfield (LUFC’s parent company) into equity to allow the investment deal to take place

Phil Hay
in simple terms, Leeds owed a loan to Greenfield. Greenfield has now converted that loan into club shares. Makes it easier for investment to go ahead.
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1416 på: Mai 10, 2018, 16:01:46 »
"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1417 på: Mai 10, 2018, 16:03:29 »
Nye investorer på vei inn. Radrizzani selger 10 prosent av sin eierpost:

Da skal det virkelig satses i sommer! Dette er gode nyheter


Veldig spent på hvem investoren/investorene kan være :) Det står det ikke noe om i artikkelen.
Pride of Yorkshire


Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1418 på: Mai 10, 2018, 16:10:07 »
Greenfield het investoren.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020


Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1419 på: Mai 10, 2018, 16:19:08 »
Greenfield het investoren.

Greenfield Investment Pte Ltd er selskapet som kjøpte opp Leeds i fjor og som kontrolleres og eies av Radrizzani.
Pride of Yorkshire


Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1420 på: Mai 10, 2018, 18:13:44 »
Nye investorer på vei inn. Radrizzani selger 10 prosent av sin eierpost:

Da skal det virkelig satses i sommer! Dette er gode nyheter


Veldig spent på hvem investoren/investorene kan være :) Det står det ikke noe om i artikkelen.

FFP gjelder jo for Leeds fortsatt, så jeg ser bare for meg en moderat økning i kvalitet denne sommeren. Og Rad har jo mye penger selv,  og vil kunne klare en satsing på opprykk på egen hånd. Med risiko for tap.

Hvorfor selge seg ned? Tipper han vil dele risikoen med noen i tilfelle det mislykkes. Det må mye penger til for å rykke opp. 


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Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1421 på: Mai 10, 2018, 22:02:32 »
Mike Thornton prøver å 'forstå' dagens nyheter:
(Thornton offentliggjør stadig sine tolkninger av klubbens offisielle økonomiske tall, og er etter det jeg forstår rimelig respektert for det han skriver)

From Mike Thornton, sort of explains it a bit clearer to my thick mind.
New Shares Just Allotted 2nd May 2018
Companies House has released the filing that shows that Leeds United has allotted a further 8,834,908 shares at £1 each.
This could be from a number of different sources:
It could be that Radrizzani has injected new cash into Leeds and Leeds now has covered the cash outflow – however, as I’ve said above with cash from season ticket renewals coming in at this time and more cash from the Chris Wood sale due this summer it would seem a strange time to need to inject the cash as equity, it would be better to make a loan now if we are temporarily short and take the money back when the Wood money arrives.
It could be that this money is not new money and is merely converting an old loan that Radrizzani made into equity shares – but why would Radrizzani do that at this time? This would not bring new cash into the club and would not help with summer transfers etc.
It could be that a new investor has been found who has just bought these shares and by doing so has put new money into the club – if so the new investor would have 27% of the shares meaning Radrizzani has less than the “magic” 75% needed for total control. Radrizzani has said if he brings in an investor he will maintain control at this stage.
It could also be that these shares have been sold to both Radrizzani and a new investor or a mix of that and loans being converted etc.
Why the funny number?
I’m always looking for reasons why whole numbers are not used since they often give a clue as to what is going on. Why 8,834,908 shares and not a round 9,000,000?
My first thought was it might be because £8,834,908 is pretty close to exactly a round $12,000,000 at current exchange rates. However, it would be rather odd for Radrizzani to be mixing dollars and sterling together since he is already installed at the club and has loans in sterling.
However, it would make sense for dollars to be used if this was a precursor to another deal that was being priced in dollars by a new investor.
The Club had 24m shares all owned by Radrizzani and he paid about £45m to buy the club so he valued it on purchase at about £2 per share.
Since then he’s paid off GFH and the holding company controls Elland Road so no rent is paid, he’s increased the squad size and their book value (don’t @ me!), he’s improved the Academy and made repairs to Elland Road, etc. The Club’s profitability has also improved, albeit helped by player sales, and it has basically broken even for two seasons now.
When all these changes are taken into account I’d imagine he values the Club at much more than £45m and possibly thinks in terms of it being worth up to £100m now and more with new investment.
If another investor is willing to join us then I’d imagine that Radrizzani would give up as small a percentage as possible and would want a price per share that values the club at, say, £110m including the new investment.
When Radrizzani bought the club he paid £2 per share and so I’d expect a new investor to pay at least £2 per share. However, since the Club could be currently worth up to £110m, from an investor point of view, he may pay £2.50, £2.75 or even an outside £3 per share.
If a new investor normally deals in dollars then we need to convert these sterling figures into dollars.
The club value is $150m after new investment and lets say the investor has $15m. This would give the investor 10% of the club’s shares by value and would be acceptable to Radrizzani. Converting $15m dollars into sterling and setting each share price at £3 means the new investor gets 3,648,323 shares.
Now these 3,648,323 shares are supposed to represent 10% of the total club shares so the total club shares needs to be 36,483,231 shares. However, before today’s new shares were allotted there were only 24m shares in existence so the extra shares needed to be created and allotted to Radizzani for him to maintain his 90% shareholding. Taking 24m and 3,648,323 from 36,483,231 equals 8,834,908 shares.
This is the “funny” number of shares allotted on the 2nd May and makes perfect sense to me when viewed as a dollar transaction.
How much would this cost a New Investor?
It looks like a new investor would be paying $15m USD which will give the club funds of almost £11m.
Who gets the money?
Since these are shares in the Club being issued by the Club directly to Radrizzani and a new investor then all the money comes to the Club.
The Club website still has Andrea Radrizzani as 100% owner of the Club and therefore owns all the shares so I think it is likely that the new shares allotted on 2nd May 2018 have been bought by him.
I can’t tell from anything published yet whether he bought them with cash or converted part of his existing loan with the Club into the shares.
The odd number of shares allotted is ringing bells saying this is not a finished deal yet and more shares are likely to be allotted some time into the future.
Given that Andrea Radrizzani doesn’t want to give up much control I’d expect the new future shares to be a low percentage; 10% is probably the lowest amount that would make sense to an investor and I’d expect that to cost about £11m.
However, it may be that Radrizzani does give up a larger percentage of, say 20%, with an associated revenue to the club of just over £21m.
Mike Thornton 10th May 2018

(hentet fra waccoe)
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Promotion 2010

Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1422 på: Mai 10, 2018, 23:30:27 »
Da var jo det helt klart!

Man investerer i egen klubb for enten...

A. Får mer penger til egen klubb for å kjøpe spillere.

B. Får investor inn i klubben for å kjøpe spillere!
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1423 på: Mai 25, 2018, 10:54:46 »
From Italy: Leeds United have made approach to appoint Filippo Inzaghi as manager

Sport Witness Team25th May 2018
Italy’s Corriere di Bologna report Leeds United have made a ‘request’ to take Filippo Inzaghi from Venezia.

Inzaghi is one of the main candidates to take over from Roberto Donadoni at Bologna, and there’s confidence from the local newspaper that an agreement can be reached. If it isn’t, Corriere di Bologna say it will only be because of the finances involved and the make up of the team next season.

Inzaghi is ambitious and he’ll hardly want to take over Bologna if he feels he’ll be doomed to failure from the start. Talks have been ongoing for four weeks, and it’s believed there’d have to be something go wrong for the move not to happen now.

So where do Leeds United come in?

It’s explained that Bologna have some competition. Parma are presented as a club who may be interested, having superbly fought their way back to Italy’s top tier, and it’s claimed leeds United have made a ‘request’.

That would almost certainly mean they’ve contacted the manager or his representatives to let them know of interest and the potential to take over at Elland Road.

Inzaghi is currently in the play-offs with Venezia, and his contract ends this summer. Bologna finished 15th in Serie A last season and are of course an attractive proposition.

It would seem quite odd for Corriere di Bologna to just imagine up Leeds United interest, so there may be something in this at some level.

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1424 på: Juli 22, 2018, 19:58:03 »
LUFC Trust

‘Like most Trust Members we're concerned and disappointed at the lack of signings so far but hope this will change soon.  We're definitely not aware of any takeover, or talks about one, now or in the future.'
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1425 på: April 13, 2019, 14:41:11 »
Tynn suppe, men....

PSG owners may buy Championship club - French media make links with Aston Villa, Nottingham Forest and QPR

The owners of Paris St-Germain are investigating the possibility of buying an English club.

Qatar Sports Investments has owned PSG since 2011 and has built the French champions into one of the biggest and most powerful clubs in the world.

PSG dominate the French league, and are on course for a sixth title since QSI bought them. Neymar and Kylian Mbappe have been signed for world- record fees.

The company is chaired by Nasser Al-Khelaifi, who is also PSG’s president. It is exploring whether it makes sense to buy a club in England to expand its portfolio and challenge in another big league.

The most likely scenario is understood to be to purchase a Championship club with potential and a significant fan base. Reports in France have suggested Aston Villa, Nottingham Forest or Queens Park Rangers are possible targets.

Given what QSI has done with PSG, if it does buy a club in England it is likely to have ambitious plans. Wolverhampton Wanderers’ Chinese owners Fosun have already shown what can be achieved by tapping into the potential of a “sleeping giant”.

Uefa rules forbid two clubs in a European club competition, such as the Champions League or Europa League, being directly or indirectly controlled by the same entity.

This would not be a problem if QSI bought a Championship club but if the club became successful, the Qataris might have to structure the ownership through a different vehicle than QSI.

Don’t their owners have links to Radrizzani? #lufc

Think he has good friends there through business and education etc. To be fair to Radz he has a lot of influential friends in this game, a good man to have at Leeds

Hadde vært mye penger i dette!  ;D
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1426 på: April 13, 2019, 15:11:00 »
Hjelper sjelden med masse penger hvis det er kjøtthuer bak spakene.


Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1427 på: April 13, 2019, 16:09:25 »
Er SVÆRT fornøyd med Radz. Fornuftig kar. Akkurat passe med penger. Satser på de unge. Klokt og etter min smak.

Styrtrike eiere? Nei, takk.


Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1428 på: April 13, 2019, 16:19:14 »
Er SVÆRT fornøyd med Radz. Fornuftig kar. Akkurat passe med penger. Satser på de unge. Klokt og etter min smak.

Styrtrike eiere? Nei, takk.
Styrtrike eiere? Ja, takk.
Radrizzani har gitt klar beskjed om at han på sikt ikke kommer til å være her. Han er ikke fornøyd før Leeds har blitt et stabilt lag i Premier League, og deretter kan han selge med fortjeneste, og dra fra skuta med et godt rykte i behold.

Men skitne oljepenger fra Saudi-Arabia eller Qatar? Nei, takk. Da vil jeg heller at vi skal forbli i Championship for alltid. LITT integritet må vi ha.


Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1429 på: April 13, 2019, 16:32:29 »
Er SVÆRT fornøyd med Radz. Fornuftig kar. Akkurat passe med penger. Satser på de unge. Klokt og etter min smak.

Styrtrike eiere? Nei, takk.
Styrtrike eiere? Ja, takk.
Radrizzani har gitt klar beskjed om at han på sikt ikke kommer til å være her. Han er ikke fornøyd før Leeds har blitt et stabilt lag i Premier League, og deretter kan han selge med fortjeneste, og dra fra skuta med et godt rykte i behold.

Men skitne oljepenger fra Saudi-Arabia eller Qatar? Nei, takk. Da vil jeg heller at vi skal forbli i Championship for alltid. LITT integritet må vi ha.

Din siste setning liker jeg.  :)

Styrtrike eiere kan jo finne på hva som helst tull....så jeg er skeptisk til det ja.


Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1430 på: April 13, 2019, 17:16:00 »
Er SVÆRT fornøyd med Radz. Fornuftig kar. Akkurat passe med penger. Satser på de unge. Klokt og etter min smak.

Styrtrike eiere? Nei, takk.
Styrtrike eiere? Ja, takk.
Radrizzani har gitt klar beskjed om at han på sikt ikke kommer til å være her. Han er ikke fornøyd før Leeds har blitt et stabilt lag i Premier League, og deretter kan han selge med fortjeneste, og dra fra skuta med et godt rykte i behold.

Men skitne oljepenger fra Saudi-Arabia eller Qatar? Nei, takk. Da vil jeg heller at vi skal forbli i Championship for alltid. LITT integritet må vi ha.

Din siste setning liker jeg.  :)

Styrtrike eiere kan jo finne på hva som helst tull....så jeg er skeptisk til det ja.
Tullete eiere kan finne på hva som helst av tull. Styrtrike eller ikke.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020


Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1431 på: April 13, 2019, 17:18:31 »
Er SVÆRT fornøyd med Radz. Fornuftig kar. Akkurat passe med penger. Satser på de unge. Klokt og etter min smak.

Styrtrike eiere? Nei, takk.
Styrtrike eiere? Ja, takk.
Radrizzani har gitt klar beskjed om at han på sikt ikke kommer til å være her. Han er ikke fornøyd før Leeds har blitt et stabilt lag i Premier League, og deretter kan han selge med fortjeneste, og dra fra skuta med et godt rykte i behold.

Men skitne oljepenger fra Saudi-Arabia eller Qatar? Nei, takk. Da vil jeg heller at vi skal forbli i Championship for alltid. LITT integritet må vi ha.

Din siste setning liker jeg.  :)

Styrtrike eiere kan jo finne på hva som helst tull....så jeg er skeptisk til det ja.
Tullete eiere kan finne på hva som helst av tull. Styrtrike eller ikke.

hehe, vi vet vel litt om det, vi  ;)

Promotion 2010

Sv: TOMA 2: Nye rykter om eierskifte...
« Svar #1432 på: Mai 25, 2019, 23:54:25 »
PSG Owners in talks to invest in Leeds United

According to the Financial Times, Qatar Sports Investments, who own PSG, have been in talks with Andrea Radrizzani about buying a stake in Leeds United, which could be as much as a controlling stake. These talks have apparently been ongoing for months now and did not depend on promotion. Qatar Sports Investments have become increasingly interested in getting involved in English football and Leeds are their preferred choice.

However, QSI aren’t the only interested party. According to the FT, Radrizzani is in talks with 6 different parties who want a piece of the Leeds United pie, it’s unclear who Radrizzani would prefer to sell to, but he would prefer not to lose his majority stake in the club. If QSI were successful and owned a part of Leeds United, no matter how large, it’s safe to say we would have a lot more funds than we currently do. There would be negatives to this move too, Qatar isn’t the least controversial of places, put it that way.

If Leeds had achieved promotion, Radrizzani would likely have continued without investment, but as he’s said many times himself, he can’t do this forever by himself. We’ve been in this league too damn long, some serious investment could be exactly what we need.

The article does state however that the money from investors may not be used on players, Radrizzani may instead use it to buy another European Football Club, adopting a similar method as seen by Watford and Man City. Radrizzani is said to be interested in Italian side Genoa FC.

Let us know what you think of this potential investment!
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: TOMA 2: Nye rykter om eierskifte...
« Svar #1433 på: Mai 25, 2019, 23:59:13 »
Focus on Leeds

Can see the links being legit, Radz is friends with Nasser Al-Khelaifi and we have our partnership with Aspire academy. #LUFC

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Nye rykter om eierskifte...TOMA
« Svar #1434 på: Mai 26, 2019, 08:42:10 »
Er SVÆRT fornøyd med Radz. Fornuftig kar. Akkurat passe med penger. Satser på de unge. Klokt og etter min smak.

Styrtrike eiere? Nei, takk.
Styrtrike eiere? Ja, takk.
Radrizzani har gitt klar beskjed om at han på sikt ikke kommer til å være her. Han er ikke fornøyd før Leeds har blitt et stabilt lag i Premier League, og deretter kan han selge med fortjeneste, og dra fra skuta med et godt rykte i behold.

Men skitne oljepenger fra Saudi-Arabia eller Qatar? Nei, takk. Da vil jeg heller at vi skal forbli i Championship for alltid. LITT integritet må vi ha.

Din siste setning liker jeg.  :)

Styrtrike eiere kan jo finne på hva som helst tull....så jeg er skeptisk til det ja.
Tullete eiere kan finne på hva som helst av tull. Styrtrike eller ikke.

Heller tullete eiere med penger enn tullete eiere uten.


Sv: TOMA 2: Nye rykter om eierskifte...
« Svar #1435 på: Mai 26, 2019, 09:02:14 »
Er SVÆRT fornøyd med Radz. Fornuftig kar. Akkurat passe med penger. Satser på de unge. Klokt og etter min smak.

Styrtrike eiere? Nei, takk.
Styrtrike eiere? Ja, takk.
Radrizzani har gitt klar beskjed om at han på sikt ikke kommer til å være her. Han er ikke fornøyd før Leeds har blitt et stabilt lag i Premier League, og deretter kan han selge med fortjeneste, og dra fra skuta med et godt rykte i behold.

Men skitne oljepenger fra Saudi-Arabia eller Qatar? Nei, takk. Da vil jeg heller at vi skal forbli i Championship for alltid. LITT integritet må vi ha.

Din siste setning liker jeg.  :)

Styrtrike eiere kan jo finne på hva som helst tull....så jeg er skeptisk til det ja.
Tullete eiere kan finne på hva som helst av tull. Styrtrike eller ikke.

Heller tullete eiere med penger enn tullete eiere uten.
Skitne er en ting. Blodpenger noe annet. Blir helt kvalm av tanken.


Sv: TOMA 2: Nye rykter om eierskifte...
« Svar #1436 på: Mai 26, 2019, 13:29:13 »
Er SVÆRT fornøyd med Radz. Fornuftig kar. Akkurat passe med penger. Satser på de unge. Klokt og etter min smak.

Styrtrike eiere? Nei, takk.
Styrtrike eiere? Ja, takk.
Radrizzani har gitt klar beskjed om at han på sikt ikke kommer til å være her. Han er ikke fornøyd før Leeds har blitt et stabilt lag i Premier League, og deretter kan han selge med fortjeneste, og dra fra skuta med et godt rykte i behold.

Men skitne oljepenger fra Saudi-Arabia eller Qatar? Nei, takk. Da vil jeg heller at vi skal forbli i Championship for alltid. LITT integritet må vi ha.

Din siste setning liker jeg.  :)

Styrtrike eiere kan jo finne på hva som helst tull....så jeg er skeptisk til det ja.
Tullete eiere kan finne på hva som helst av tull. Styrtrike eller ikke.

Heller tullete eiere med penger enn tullete eiere uten.
Skitne er en ting. Blodpenger noe annet. Blir helt kvalm av tanken.

Kunne ikke vært mer enig. Heller ingen investor enn QSI. Det må da i herrens navn finnes noen engelske investorer som kan investere noen titalls millioner pund, vel og merke så lenge dette er innafor FFP.


Sv: TOMA 2: Nye rykter om eierskifte...
« Svar #1437 på: Mai 26, 2019, 13:53:36 »
Er SVÆRT fornøyd med Radz. Fornuftig kar. Akkurat passe med penger. Satser på de unge. Klokt og etter min smak.

Styrtrike eiere? Nei, takk.
Styrtrike eiere? Ja, takk.
Radrizzani har gitt klar beskjed om at han på sikt ikke kommer til å være her. Han er ikke fornøyd før Leeds har blitt et stabilt lag i Premier League, og deretter kan han selge med fortjeneste, og dra fra skuta med et godt rykte i behold.

Men skitne oljepenger fra Saudi-Arabia eller Qatar? Nei, takk. Da vil jeg heller at vi skal forbli i Championship for alltid. LITT integritet må vi ha.
Helt enig med deg og berlin.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


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Sv: TOMA 2: Nye rykter om eierskifte...
« Svar #1438 på: Mai 26, 2019, 14:06:30 »
Vi bruker ofte Thornton mht den økonomiske stoda i Leeds:

Tim Thornton did a live interview from Leeds on Sky Sports:
"The sources that I’ve been in touch with this morning are playing this down,
“Now there’s no doubt that Middle East cash can transform any football club.
“We know that, we’ve seen that in English football already and there is no doubt that Leeds will be a very, very attractive proposition for any potential investor.
“It’s important to stress that this is a very different football club to the one that Andrea Radrizzani acquired two years ago.
"The training ground has been upgraded, there have been key appointments.
“And this is a club that have certainly moved on and are in a good position for success now, we’ve seen that on the field this season already.
“But Radrizzani has talked about a difficult summer ahead in the transfer market.
“In previous summers they’ve had to sell players, Ronaldo Vieira and the season before Chris Wood.
"So there are certainly financial challenges for Leeds United, so investment could make a huge difference for them.
“Last summer we saw the San Francisco 49ers also acquire a stake in the club.
“But Leeds playing it down at the moment, the sources that I’ve been in touch with.
“But Leeds will certainly be an attractive proposition for any potential investors.”
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


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Qatar in talks to buy stake in Leeds United

Deal would allow gas-rich Gulf state to enter English football for the first time

Murad Ahmed , Andrew England , Arash Massoudi and James Fontanella-Khan in London
May 25, 2019 7:50 pm

Leeds United is in talks with at least six different potential investors
Qatar is in talks to buy a stake in Leeds United in a deal that would allow the gas-rich Gulf state to enter English football for the first time, according to people with direct knowledge of the negotiations.

Qatar Sports Investments, a state-backed group which controls France’s Paris Saint-Germain, has been in talks over a deal with Leeds United and its owner Andrea Radrizzani in recent months, these people said.

A person familiar with the talks said Qatar was seeking as much as a controlling stake in Leeds United, which plays in the Championship, the second tier of English professional football, and narrowly missed promotion into the Premier League this season.

“Qatar Sports Investments will be entering English Football, and Leeds is the club of their choice,” the person said. “Qatar has been looking into the prospects of entering English Football for the past two years.”

However, one person close to Leeds United’s leadership said the English club is holding talks with at least six different potential investors, one of which is QSI. This person added that no firm decision has been made as to which party Mr Radrizzani may opt to sell to, but that the Italian entrepreneur’s preference is to sell a minority stake in the club.


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Qatar is the world’s richest nation in per capta terms and, like other Gulf states, has been increasingly using sport to project its soft power. The small nation controversially won the bid to host the 2022 football World Cup and has invested tens of billions of dollars in sport.

Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, has used its vast wealth to transform Manchester City and Saudi Arabia is investing in sports events as part of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s bold plans to overhaul the conservative kingdom’s economy.

Mr Radrizzani has been considering a sale of at least a minority stake for the past few months, but had awaited the outcome of its bid to achieve promotion to the Premier League. Talks have been restarted after Leeds lost at the end of season playoffs to Derby County earlier this month.

The failure meant the club missed out on at least £170m in guaranteed payments from the Premier League’s multibillion pound broadcasting rights.

Mr Radrizzani declined to comment.

“We always look for opportunities and the UK market is definitely top on the list”, said a spokesman for Qatar Sports Investment.

By selling a stake, Mr Radrizzani will be able to reduce the risk of his holdings in the football club he acquired two years ago, having spent close to £100m on his investment to date.

Last year, he sold a 10 per cent stake in the club to 49ers Enterprises, the investment arm of the San Francisco 49ers NFL team, which is owned by the York family.

In public, Mr Radrizzani has expressed frustration over so-called Financial Fair Play (FFP) rules which means the club must raise revenues to acquire players, saying that these restrictions mean the club will need to sell players before next season.

Speaking at the FT Business of Football conference in London on Tuesday, Mr Radrizzani said: “We’ll have to run a difficult summer in terms of the transfer market, but we have a great academy.”

A person close to the talks said that any money raised in a stake sale would not go towards acquiring players for Leeds United, as that would be in breach of FFP regulations.

Instead, Mr Radrizzani will consider using part of the money to buy another European club, a move that would allow him to adopt a model similar to the owners of Watford and Manchester City, which control a network of clubs around the world, with the sister teams sharing resources and loaning players between each other.

The network model makes it easier for football club owners to acquire new talent while satisfying FFP. The system could also suit Paris-Saint Germain, which itself is under investigation by Uefa, European football’s governing body, over alleged breaches of FFP related to its world record signings of superstars such as Neymar and Kylian Mbappé.

Genoa FC, an Italian Serie A club that is fighting not to be relegated, is currently up for sale and is considered a potential takeover target for Mr Radrizzani, said one person with direct knowledge of the matter.

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Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973