Skrevet av Emne: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.  (Lest 64004 ganger)

0 medlemmer og 1 gjest leser dette emnet.


Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #390 på: Februar 26, 2011, 18:30:42 »
Som ukuelig optimist og uten å ha lest alle innleggene i dag, så konkluderer jeg med følgende:

2 tap i 2011 - begge i Wales.
Skal ikke flere turer til Wales,  dvs at vi er ferdig med tapene for i år!

good one, Arne.  ;)



Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #391 på: Februar 26, 2011, 18:51:22 »
Trenger vel bare å si en ting...

4-4-2 som Grayson har sett gang på gang ikke fungerer...
å satste på det mot et lag presumtivt bedre enn oss på bortebane!!!

Grrraysooon... well done!!!

Idag skulle Snoody spilt i Howson rollen og Watt ha spilt på kant med sin fart som kunne støttet McC defensivt...


Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #392 på: Februar 26, 2011, 18:55:28 »
McCartney mot Nathan Dyer ?  :D Da vurderer jeg rett og slett å forlate puben før dommeren blåser matchen igang..

Vi taper i morgen.. Noe annet vil rett og slett sjokkere meg.
:o                       ::)

Kunne også sagt det om 4-4-2 med Howson og Kilkenny sentralt. Der er prøvd x antal ganger før og det funker ikke. Alle skuffer meg i dag men mest av alle.. Simon Grayson  >:(

Rudi G.

  • Gjest
Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #393 på: Februar 26, 2011, 19:05:16 »
Trenger vel bare å si en ting...

4-4-2 som Grayson har sett gang på gang ikke fungerer...
å satste på det mot et lag presumtivt bedre enn oss på bortebane!!!

Grrraysooon... well done!!!

Idag skulle Snoody spilt i Howson rollen og Watt ha spilt på kant med sin fart som kunne støttet McC defensivt...

Feil Jarle! I dag skulle vi spilt 4231 som er det eneste vi har spillt ok i denne sesongen, og BJ som er suspendert slulle vært erstattet med????? som SG hadde på lur, men SG hadde ikke ????? på lur, så vi stilte i 442 og hadde ikke peiling på hva vi skulle gjøre, og hva mer skal man si, dere så vel samme kampen som meg...


Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #394 på: Februar 26, 2011, 19:29:55 »
Trenger vel bare å si en ting...

4-4-2 som Grayson har sett gang på gang ikke fungerer...
å satste på det mot et lag presumtivt bedre enn oss på bortebane!!!

Grrraysooon... well done!!!

Idag skulle Snoody spilt i Howson rollen og Watt ha spilt på kant med sin fart som kunne støttet McC defensivt...

Feil Jarle! I dag skulle vi spilt 4231 som er det eneste vi har spillt ok i denne sesongen, og BJ som er suspendert slulle vært erstattet med????? som SG hadde på lur, men SG hadde ikke ????? på lur, så vi stilte i 442 og hadde ikke peiling på hva vi skulle gjøre, og hva mer skal man si, dere så vel samme kampen som meg...

Slik jeg leser innlegget til jarle mener han at Snoddy skal spille i "Howson-rollen" altså bak Becchio, med Gradel og Watt på kantene - i et 4-2-3-1 system.

Det sjokkerte meg at Grayson valgte 4-4-2 mot et 4-2-3-1 lag. Lærer han ikke av sine feil???

Synd vi blir snytt for straffe og at ikke Somma scorer på sine to 95% sjanser. Det var for dårlig! Men fy fanden for en flott prestasjon han gjør like før slutt med volleyskuddet som går like over.

auren, mer resignert enn sint og skuffet
"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #395 på: Februar 26, 2011, 20:55:46 »
At vi ikke har èn eneste sentral midtbanespiller på benken sier jo sitt meste om bredden på stallen. Hvorfor kunne ikke Nunez eller Clayton vært på benken?
Det blir aldri umoderne å vinne


Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #396 på: Februar 26, 2011, 21:10:44 »
Folk snakket før kampen om at vi kun hadde tapt en av tjue kamper, og var i god form (ref. bl.a. Tor Eggen). Statistikk kan lyve fælt. Saken er at på de siste 12 seriekampene har vi kun vunnet 3! Ikke rart vi sakker akterut, og ligger nå hele 8 poeng bak den viktige 2. plassen. Vi er rett og slett i dårlig form (og seieren mot Bristol City var vel heldig).

Når det er sagt er vi bare en god formperiode fra å være med å kjempe om andreplassen igjen.

George McCartney hadde ikke noen stor dag på venstrebackplassen. Dessverre er ikke Parker pr.dags dato noe bedre alternativ. Treg og ikke i kampform. Tror Bessone hadde vært bedre. Eller White.....


Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #397 på: Februar 26, 2011, 21:12:22 »
Dritkamp!   E så jævlig kjedelig å tape.   Snart ute av playoff oxo. Har ikke nerver til å tenke på ett opprykk enda.   Men vi rykker ikke ned hvertfall :P


Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #398 på: Februar 26, 2011, 21:42:06 »
Denne er fin :

Schmeichel 6/10 Couldn’t do anything with any of the goals with that shower of nonsense in front of him. His Dad could in his prime could have been in goal with him today and we still would have lost. Kicked like an aspiring model on her first catwalk assingement.

The Yank 1/10 I thought the jersey looked quite good on him and his hairstyle has a certain devil may care about it. More suited to hanging around corners than trying to defend them.

Andy O Brien 1/10 Mrs. O Brien from Father Ted would have been more effective. At least she could have offered them tea in the hopes of trying to distract them as they came in wave after wave.

Lenny Bruce 1/10 A true comedian. Wonderful performance, cant wait to see him in the Comedy Club or on Mock the Week.

George Gently 0/10 I've been following Leeds since 1970 and I genuinely can’t remember a worse left back. Shuffles around the box like a drunk uncle at a wedding. The Italians defended with more effectiveness in the second world war. This is a guy who actually volunteered to quit International Football. The mind boggles.

The Captain 1/10 I think he came out with a shovel and then dug a hole. I noticed him at the kick off and then have no idea where he went. I wish the search party much success.

The Sweeney 1/10 When he wasn’t whining about something, he seemed to be throwing himself on the ground for no apparent reason. Wouldn’t have looked out of place playing an elderly aunt in an Oscar Wilde farce.

Maxie 7/10 Our best player even if he did give away a daft penalty. Personally I think the white jersey confused him and he thought he was actually lashing out at George Gently.

Snodgrass 4/10 Generally useless and was probably our second best player on the day….that’s a really depressing statement. Looked drunk…I’m going to join his soon after today’s comedy fest.

The Argie 2/10 Well God knows he tries his best. Couldn’t trap a ball with a fishing net and has all the finesse of a drunken Oliver Reed at a free bar. Still he runs around a lot, gets a lot of free kicks cos he keeps bumping into himself and as such we love him.

Outspan 2/10 Can only score when sprung from the bench and he’s a bit miffed. Some fantastic movement and mazy runs. If he could do all of this with the ball at his feet, he’d be worth millions. There’s a bright future for him and the Argie on Come Dancing.


Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #399 på: Februar 26, 2011, 23:21:40 »
Folk snakket før kampen om at vi kun hadde tapt en av tjue kamper, og var i god form (ref. bl.a. Tor Eggen). Statistikk kan lyve fælt. Saken er at på de siste 12 seriekampene har vi kun vunnet 3! Ikke rart vi sakker akterut, og ligger nå hele 8 poeng bak den viktige 2. plassen. Vi er rett og slett i dårlig form (og seieren mot Bristol City var vel heldig).

Når det er sagt er vi bare en god formperiode fra å være med å kjempe om andreplassen igjen.

George McCartney hadde ikke noen stor dag på venstrebackplassen. Dessverre er ikke Parker pr.dags dato noe bedre alternativ. Treg og ikke i kampform. Tror Bessone hadde vært bedre. Eller White.....

White kan nok ikke gjøre noen dårligere jobb defensivt, kanskje bedre offensivt. Det kunne vært bra å ha ungdommens løpskraft på banen.
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #400 på: Februar 26, 2011, 23:33:21 »
Denne er fin :

Schmeichel 6/10 Couldn’t do anything with any of the goals with that shower of nonsense in front of him. His Dad could in his prime could have been in goal with him today and we still would have lost. Kicked like an aspiring model on her first catwalk assingement.

The Yank 1/10 I thought the jersey looked quite good on him and his hairstyle has a certain devil may care about it. More suited to hanging around corners than trying to defend them.

Andy O Brien 1/10 Mrs. O Brien from Father Ted would have been more effective. At least she could have offered them tea in the hopes of trying to distract them as they came in wave after wave.

Lenny Bruce 1/10 A true comedian. Wonderful performance, cant wait to see him in the Comedy Club or on Mock the Week.

George Gently 0/10 I've been following Leeds since 1970 and I genuinely can’t remember a worse left back. Shuffles around the box like a drunk uncle at a wedding. The Italians defended with more effectiveness in the second world war. This is a guy who actually volunteered to quit International Football. The mind boggles.

The Captain 1/10 I think he came out with a shovel and then dug a hole. I noticed him at the kick off and then have no idea where he went. I wish the search party much success.

The Sweeney 1/10 When he wasn’t whining about something, he seemed to be throwing himself on the ground for no apparent reason. Wouldn’t have looked out of place playing an elderly aunt in an Oscar Wilde farce.

Maxie 7/10 Our best player even if he did give away a daft penalty. Personally I think the white jersey confused him and he thought he was actually lashing out at George Gently.

Snodgrass 4/10 Generally useless and was probably our second best player on the day….that’s a really depressing statement. Looked drunk…I’m going to join his soon after today’s comedy fest.

The Argie 2/10 Well God knows he tries his best. Couldn’t trap a ball with a fishing net and has all the finesse of a drunken Oliver Reed at a free bar. Still he runs around a lot, gets a lot of free kicks cos he keeps bumping into himself and as such we love him.

Outspan 2/10 Can only score when sprung from the bench and he’s a bit miffed. Some fantastic movement and mazy runs. If he could do all of this with the ball at his feet, he’d be worth millions. There’s a bright future for him and the Argie on Come Dancing.

Legendary rating... best ever!



Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #401 på: Februar 27, 2011, 00:45:20 »
Denne er fin :

Schmeichel 6/10 Couldn’t do anything with any of the goals with that shower of nonsense in front of him. His Dad could in his prime could have been in goal with him today and we still would have lost. Kicked like an aspiring model on her first catwalk assingement.

The Yank 1/10 I thought the jersey looked quite good on him and his hairstyle has a certain devil may care about it. More suited to hanging around corners than trying to defend them.

Andy O Brien 1/10 Mrs. O Brien from Father Ted would have been more effective. At least she could have offered them tea in the hopes of trying to distract them as they came in wave after wave.

Lenny Bruce 1/10 A true comedian. Wonderful performance, cant wait to see him in the Comedy Club or on Mock the Week.

George Gently 0/10 I've been following Leeds since 1970 and I genuinely can’t remember a worse left back. Shuffles around the box like a drunk uncle at a wedding. The Italians defended with more effectiveness in the second world war. This is a guy who actually volunteered to quit International Football. The mind boggles.

The Captain 1/10 I think he came out with a shovel and then dug a hole. I noticed him at the kick off and then have no idea where he went. I wish the search party much success.

The Sweeney 1/10 When he wasn’t whining about something, he seemed to be throwing himself on the ground for no apparent reason. Wouldn’t have looked out of place playing an elderly aunt in an Oscar Wilde farce.

Maxie 7/10 Our best player even if he did give away a daft penalty. Personally I think the white jersey confused him and he thought he was actually lashing out at George Gently.

Snodgrass 4/10 Generally useless and was probably our second best player on the day….that’s a really depressing statement. Looked drunk…I’m going to join his soon after today’s comedy fest.

The Argie 2/10 Well God knows he tries his best. Couldn’t trap a ball with a fishing net and has all the finesse of a drunken Oliver Reed at a free bar. Still he runs around a lot, gets a lot of free kicks cos he keeps bumping into himself and as such we love him.

Outspan 2/10 Can only score when sprung from the bench and he’s a bit miffed. Some fantastic movement and mazy runs. If he could do all of this with the ball at his feet, he’d be worth millions. There’s a bright future for him and the Argie on Come Dancing.

Tåpelig!  ::)

"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #402 på: Februar 27, 2011, 12:39:33 »
Som ukuelig optimist og uten å ha lest alle innleggene i dag, så konkluderer jeg med følgende:

2 tap i 2011 - begge i Wales.
Skal ikke flere turer til Wales,  dvs at vi er ferdig med tapene for i år!

tommel opp  ;)
Leeds United will always have a special place in my heart....and a bunch of men and women who enjoy speed and excitement.


Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #403 på: Februar 27, 2011, 14:32:05 »

Swansea boss Brendan Rodgers hailed "a wonderful performance" after his side crushed Leeds 3-0 to hold on to second place in the Championship.

Swansea remain a point ahead of third-placed Cardiff after romping to a comfortable win thanks to a brace from Scott Sinclair, one a penalty, and Luke Moore's third at the Liberty Stadium.

Leeds were never in contention with a lifeless showing to leave Rodgers purring.

He said: "I'm proud of the players. It was a wonderful performance and great result.

"I like winning games but I also want to do it in style.

"Some of our play and invention was fantastic against a very good side going forward.

"Leeds have scored the most amount of goals in this league so to restrict them to just one shot on target showed our superiority in the game.

"We started really well and I believe the best teams do that. They start quick and finish strong.

"The first goal was terrific. It was a marvellous pass from goalkeeper Dorus de Vries and he is like an outfield player.

"All our offensive players were excellent but Nathan Dyer produced a brilliant piece of skill for the second goal and the third one was a wonderful team goal. We are happy.

"It's three points and it's what we want from a game. Three points, clean sheet and the fans go home happy."

Leeds manager Simon Grayson pulled no punches in his assessment of his side's weak showing.

Despite being outplayed the visitors had their chances and Grayson was left to rue a penalty decision which did not go his way when when Alan Tate blatantly handled Robert Snodgrass' strike in the area.

Grayson said: "I thought we were poor from start to finish. Swansea were very good, they passed the ball around, closed us down well and we didn't impose our own game. We were lacklustre and we gave away possession very cheaply.

"But, in saying that, I thought we should create some half-decent chances.

"At 1-0, we hit the bar and then had a blatant penalty turned down. It wasn't given and it was a massive turning point in the game.

"No matter how poorly we played if we scored the penalty, at 1-1 then we are right back in the game.

"It could have been the spark and lifeline we needed and how the officials missed it I do not know.

"But, overall we probably got what we deserved out of the game and that was a defeat.

"Swansea are a good team and we knew it would be tough. Things didn't go for us but we have always reacted well from defeats this season."
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #404 på: Februar 27, 2011, 19:04:53 »
Nok av uavgjort og tap for i år. Vinne resten! :D
Noen mennesker tror at fotball gjelder liv eller død. Jeg liker ikke den innstillingen. Det er atskillig mer alvorlig enn som så. - Bill Shankly


Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #405 på: Februar 27, 2011, 23:55:30 »
Denne er fin :

Schmeichel 6/10 Couldn’t do anything with any of the goals with that shower of nonsense in front of him. His Dad could in his prime could have been in goal with him today and we still would have lost. Kicked like an aspiring model on her first catwalk assingement.

The Yank 1/10 I thought the jersey looked quite good on him and his hairstyle has a certain devil may care about it. More suited to hanging around corners than trying to defend them.

Andy O Brien 1/10 Mrs. O Brien from Father Ted would have been more effective. At least she could have offered them tea in the hopes of trying to distract them as they came in wave after wave.

Lenny Bruce 1/10 A true comedian. Wonderful performance, cant wait to see him in the Comedy Club or on Mock the Week.

George Gently 0/10 I've been following Leeds since 1970 and I genuinely can’t remember a worse left back. Shuffles around the box like a drunk uncle at a wedding. The Italians defended with more effectiveness in the second world war. This is a guy who actually volunteered to quit International Football. The mind boggles.

The Captain 1/10 I think he came out with a shovel and then dug a hole. I noticed him at the kick off and then have no idea where he went. I wish the search party much success.

The Sweeney 1/10 When he wasn’t whining about something, he seemed to be throwing himself on the ground for no apparent reason. Wouldn’t have looked out of place playing an elderly aunt in an Oscar Wilde farce.

Maxie 7/10 Our best player even if he did give away a daft penalty. Personally I think the white jersey confused him and he thought he was actually lashing out at George Gently.

Snodgrass 4/10 Generally useless and was probably our second best player on the day….that’s a really depressing statement. Looked drunk…I’m going to join his soon after today’s comedy fest.

The Argie 2/10 Well God knows he tries his best. Couldn’t trap a ball with a fishing net and has all the finesse of a drunken Oliver Reed at a free bar. Still he runs around a lot, gets a lot of free kicks cos he keeps bumping into himself and as such we love him.

Outspan 2/10 Can only score when sprung from the bench and he’s a bit miffed. Some fantastic movement and mazy runs. If he could do all of this with the ball at his feet, he’d be worth millions. There’s a bright future for him and the Argie on Come Dancing.

Hva som er fin med den?
Ã… drite ut vårt eget lag, første tap på 8 kamper. Latterlig
who killed Trondheimwhite?


Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #406 på: Februar 28, 2011, 14:09:28 »
Enig med sistnevnte. Innlegget er sikkert skrevet i affekt av en som tror han er morsom, men det er like fullt idiotisk.
Marching on together!

Tom S

Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #407 på: Februar 28, 2011, 16:57:27 »
Er vi blitt hårsåre, gutter?


Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #408 på: Februar 28, 2011, 17:20:10 »
Er vi blitt hårsåre, gutter?

Engelsk humor! - ingen her som tar null poeng og de kallenavnene alvorlig men jeg synes nå det var morsomt skrevet... litt selvironi kan vi vel ha.


Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #409 på: Februar 28, 2011, 17:27:05 »
man saknar väl humor ;) för jag såg inte det roliga i det, är som om någon skulle ha roligt på ens egens familjs bekostnad

Jon R

Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #410 på: Februar 28, 2011, 19:35:52 »
Lo litt av den der jeg. Skråblikk og variasjon over gamle tema fenger godt hjemme hos meg.  :D

(hva f.... betyr osteaktig forresten? ???)
Jon R.


Sv: KAMP: vs SWANSEA, Lørdag 26/2 2011, kl 13.45.
« Svar #411 på: Februar 28, 2011, 19:41:01 »
Cheese doodles. Den osteaktige snacksen?
- Leif Olav