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Messages - Asbjørn

Quote from: Dennis on Today at 09:45:21
Quote from: GeirO on Today at 00:53:44Alle oss supportere visste at når gul bortedrakt kom, gjerne med smiley, så ble det salgsrekord.
Rart ikke klubben skjønte dette...

Angus Kinnear sa vel også at gule drakter ikke selger i TSB...?
Han gjorde visst det, men er det ikke lenge siden nå?
Når Smyth skriver at Leeds måtte fighte for å få en gul bortedrakt er det jo Kinnear som stod i bresjen for fighten...

Ordet er fritt / Re: Nye drakter 2024/2025
July 26, 2024, 21:23:12
Football Guru her (Leedsfan, 400isj følgere) går 'full opinion' her, men med basis i ryktene.

Leeds United🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
 Im going full unsubstantiated rumour, dickhead mode as its a Friday.
Opinion: Dejan Ljubicic (26)🇦🇹 to Leeds United is either done or as good as done, that the YEP are doubling down so hard on Ljubicic i will take as a small W being given out by the club, after a summer where certain journalists have been left covered in something other than glory, after following club info or lack thereof, the Burrows episode being the most recent example.
I'd like to think there may be a charming possibility of Ljubicic bowling out as player vs Schalke04 this weekend as a surprise. Add to this yesterdays flight details that we retweeted here plus some tbh dubious dm's claiming its done, lets take a stab, hes coming.

If we also then  accept that the club went in for Burrows as a back-up to Firpinho (Burrows chose blunts due to promised game time) this in my mind suggests Firps sees out the season then moves on and the thought was to then bring Burrows in as first choice after a season of easing in.
That then said, we will still be looking for a replacement understudy for this season, expect to see increased links to lb's in the coming days including Anselmo Garcia MacNulty as a favourite, there could also be a possibility we strengthen the Welsh contingent further by bringing in Ben Davies from Spurs who is a perfect addition to add to DF's desired experience. This could partially free Junior up as a back-up winger too. Davies would be a solid starter in the Prem next season and gives us another year to find a younger talent as his understudy.
I'm also going to add Aston Villa as another club disappearing from the list of Cree suitors, to add to my list from yesterday. I think Villa will do what it takes to get Felix done.
Finally, i strongly believe we will see links to Tyler Morton resurface in approximately 14 days from now, i wont go into this further atm but if it is the case someone will be getting a very big heads up from Guru.
As said all OPINION guys and girls.
Hope you all have a great Friday evening !
Quote from: Josch on July 26, 2024, 14:00:05Kampene første lørdag (seriestart) begynner alle kl 12.30 lokal tid. Har dette noe med uavklarte TV-rettigheter å gjøre? Eller skjer det noe annet i England den lørdagen.? Kampene fredag og mandag den helgen går på normale tider.
At det er uavklart hvem som har rettighetene i Norge betyr ikke at det er uklart i England. Tipper det er Sky...
Ordet er fritt / Re: Pre season 2024/25
July 26, 2024, 13:58:31
Kom over denne på Facebook:
Anyone know what time the match is on the Leeds website today??

I svarene skrives det at Shalke er motstander, og 'etter at kampen er spilt' er svaret.

Leeds drar hjem tidlig mandag så eg tenkte lørdag/søndag ver sannsynlig kamptidspunkt - men det kan altså være i dag 🫢
Eirik Aase melder at fortsatt har ingen kjøpt tv-rettighetene for kommende Championship-sesong. Viasats avtale gikk ut etter forrige sesong.
Carlton Palmer - du skal lete lenge blant Leedsfansen for å finne noen som har godord om ham. 😅
Men han gjorde som regel jobben sin, the dirty side of football, såpass at han var engelsk landslagsspiller (18 landskamper). For meg betydde han ikke noe spesielt, inntil eg fant ut at vi ble født samme dag, en søndag i desember'65.

Men dette er en fornøyelig historie om da han ble 'dummied' av Eric Cantona, to ganger. Og videoen av sekvensen er (visst) velkjent. Det videoen ikke viste var hvem som endte seirende ut av duellen - og forsåvidt heller ikke hvilken klubb som vant oppgjøret 🙂
Ordet er fritt / Re: Ny spiller: Jayden Bogle
July 26, 2024, 12:09:55
At Jayden og Ethan (som han visst kalles) har en sesong sammen i Sheffield United har gått meg hus forbi...

Leeds-Live har møtt ham:
Quote from: auren on July 26, 2024, 11:48:48
Quote from: Cherry on July 26, 2024, 10:48:15Her er mer om Bosnier`n vi visstnok er interessert i:

Han representerer Østerrike, men har kanskje aner fra Bosnia. Skal vel ikke mye til å få østerriksk statsborgerskap dog...

Litt lunken til dette ryktet. Playmakeren vår er det nok neppe, defansivt anlagt som han er.

Fortsatt over en måned igjen av vinduet. Vil komme en del twists and turns som vanlig, og det kan nok bli vanskelig for klubben å holde på Summerville og Gnonto...


Les YEP-repotasjen 😅

Before last season, in which Ljubicic dropped back and Koln were relegated, Effzeh's No. 7 played as a more advanced, box-to-box type on the right-hand side of a narrow midfield three in a 4-1-3-2 formation.

From this area of the pitch, he took up aggressive positions, contributing to attacks but due to his rangy, 6ft 2in frame, was able to track back and tackle when required, supporting Skhiri and the back four. To give an example of Ljubicic's defensive work, think Ilia Gruev, if the Bulgarian were three-to-four inches taller.
Quote from: Cherry on July 26, 2024, 10:48:15Her er mer om Bosnier`n vi visstnok er interessert i:
Syns det som står her er spennende. Leeds' interesse i spilleren går tilbake til januar '23 og han kan bidra på flere måter enn måten han spilte for Köln forrige sesong.
Intervjuet av The Athletic og her må han svare for hvorfor han dro, morens uttalelser et all...
Legger merke til at Leedsfansen som kommenterer artikkelen er relativt snille med  ham...
Han spilte forresten med skade mot slutten for Leeds - en skade som påvirket ham langt inn i forrige sesong.
Ordet er fritt / Re: Nye drakter 2024/2025
July 26, 2024, 11:21:46
Quote from: GeirO on July 25, 2024, 14:40:39
Quote from: Asbjørn on July 24, 2024, 23:40:56
Quote from: GeirO on July 24, 2024, 22:19:58Siden jeg er smileyfan er jeg fornøyd. Men rart at vi stiller med ulike klubbemblem på hjemme- og bortedrakt. Tror aldri jeg har sett noe slikt før.
Man må visst søke. Men mange klubber gjorde det forrige sesong, blant annet Manchester. Mener noen listet opp tre/fire PL-klubber som hadde det...
Ok, har ikke fått med meg dette, men ser ikke så mye PL ;D
Da er det greit.
Quote from: GeirO on July 25, 2024, 14:40:39
Quote from: Asbjørn on July 24, 2024, 23:40:56
Quote from: GeirO on July 24, 2024, 22:19:58Siden jeg er smileyfan er jeg fornøyd. Men rart at vi stiller med ulike klubbemblem på hjemme- og bortedrakt. Tror aldri jeg har sett noe slikt før.
Man må visst søke. Men mange klubber gjorde det forrige sesong, blant annet Manchester. Mener noen listet opp tre/fire PL-klubber som hadde det...
Ok, har ikke fått med meg dette, men ser ikke så mye PL ;D
Da er det greit.

Other clubs, such as Premier League pair Arsenal and Manchester United, who are also with Adidas, have been given a similar treatment in recent seasons. After using the cannon that's an element of their emblem as a standalone logo on the third shirt last season, Arsenal are rolling it out on all of their kits for the coming one, while Manchester United had the devil silhouette from theirs as the crest on their 2023-24 away shirt. Newcastle United's third top for the new Premier League season is also rumoured to feature a retro logo from the 1980s, which puts Leeds in good company.

Også dette:
There is no obligation for clubs or kit designers to include the current version of the club's official crest on shirts, either. Liverpool have had a simplified version of theirs, with the liver bird and 'LFC' on the shirts in recent years.

(The Athletic)
Quote from: baste on July 26, 2024, 09:20:43Kampbilletter, hotell og fly er i boks. Sees i Leeds.

Noen tips til transport tidlig søndag, fly går 09.20 fra #≠@ flyplass..
Har ikke vi noen som tar slike turer ( taxi tjenester )
Tips mottas med stor takk.

Ps; lander på torsdag 08 august 12.15
Regner med vi tar toget til Leeds, om ikke noen andre har plass til meg og Monica ( spleise på transport ).

Baste 95 55 55 01
Hør med Chris Pattinson (Facebook) (taxi) så samkjører han de som må reise så tidlig. Et annet alternativ er Megabus. Går ca 04 fra busstasjonen, har stopp på Manchester Airport. Det er desidert billigste alternativet.
Quote from: Hallgeir * on July 25, 2024, 21:39:26Var det slik at Morten Spencer ble frigitt nå mellom sesongene? Eller husker jeg feil ...
Riktig det. En av flere som ble frigitt.
Er vel ingen norske igjen nå :(
Det går voldsomt med rykter nå om at Angus Kinnear har fått fyken/sluttet i Leeds United...
Han var den eneste i ledertroikaen under Radrizzani som overlevde - sikkert lurt at noen av 'de gamle' kunne overføre kunnskap til nye eiere. Men nå skal det være slutt.

Selvfølgelig kan det være ubegrunnede rykter, men eg tror ikkje det...
Ordet er fritt / Re: Spiller: Brenden Aaronson
July 25, 2024, 15:16:19
YEP har latt Brenden selv forklare utlånet og returen:

Brenden Aaronson cannot control how his explanation goes down with an 'emotional' Leeds United fan base, but he can explain.
The attacker made his first appearance back in Leeds colours on Wednesday during a 4-1 friendly win over Hannover 96. His no-look defence-breaking pass put Ilia Gruev in to score the opener and the American busied himself in a wide left attacking role during the first half.

How he came to be back involved with the Whites, having been one of the first to exercise his escape clause following the 2023 relegation to the Championship, is a story worth exploring. When the YEP first reported that the American was on his way back and would be accepted into Daniel Farke's plans, it came somewhat out of the blue. The smarter money felt like another loan and though the YEP understands he did not have a reactivated clause to get him out of Leeds, he did have other options. His story is that towards the end of last season he decided he wanted to come back. But he feels the need to track further back to begin his explanation.

"After the [2022/23] season, and everything like that, I of course made my decision to go on loan," he told the YEP. "I think at that moment in time it was a decision that I made because I didn't know Daniel Farke was going to be the coach, [or who would be] the sporting director, just the club was not in the best shape. And I just think that for me, it was just going off that - I had a good opportunity to go play in the Champions League and I made that decision. Going through the season, I think around six or seven months, I remember just talking to my girlfriend and my agent about what the next season's gonna look like and stuff like that. And in my mind, I had already made up that I wanted to come back to Leeds and prove myself and come back and help the team get up to the Premier League if they didn't get up that season."

Aaronson, who was on loan in the Bundesliga with Union Berlin, began to tune back into what was going at Elland Road in his absence. What he saw was a promotion push and a team dominated games in the Championship under Farke.
"I started watching all the games prior, from the six month period on and yeah, it was amazing to see the way they played. I mean, that's another reason why [I came back], I think seeing the way that they played, the style of play, everything like that and also talking with Daniel after the season and having a really good conversation with him. Also just my desire to be at this club - it's a club that I think is one of the best in the world with a giant fan base and amazing fan base and a world following so I want to be back."

Aaronson first addressed his return in a Stateside interview during the Copa America in the summer but his decision to leave was not explored to any level of discomfort or awkwardness. He was not asked if he regretted it. So does he?

"I live my life not having any regrets," he said. "You know, I live my life, knowing that you do stuff for a reason, it wasn't a good way the season ended. And as a young player, you know, mentally it's tough. It's not easy because, of course, I came in and a lot of things out of the season, the first four or five months went really, really well and then the level drops off a little bit and I think that's normal as young player now that I look back at it, but I don't live with regrets. I think that yeah, in moments it was tough because you're in Germany, you watch the team do super well and you want to be a part of it, because I mean, I love the guys the group of guys here and yeah, it was tough in moments, but I think like I said, I don't live with any regrets."

His and Leeds' decision to reunite for the upcoming season and a second crack at promotion was met with a mixed response from the fanbase, to say the least. Aaronson openly accepts that not everyone is pleased to see him.

"Yeah, of course I think that, I mean with Leeds' fan base, it's a fan base that's huge, that has a big following that really looks after the players and definitely has feelings at times," he told the YEP. "But I think yeah, it's always a little nerve racking because I'm an emotional guy. I like to be well-liked at the end of the day, but I know that there's going to be some people that aren't happy and that kind of thing. But what I will say is I'm just coming back to help the team and I always give my all on the pitch and I think they'll be able to see that."

Assists, like the one against Hannover, and some goals would help. The latter certainly paved the road back into fan affections for Willy Gnonto following his transfer request and downing of tools last summer. Aaronson isn't quite willing to go as far as to say he has a Leeds story in need of re-writing but he obviously knows what he needs to do on the pitch and what Farke wants from him.

"The word rewrite, I think that it's a tough word I would say," he told the YEP. "But I think for me, I think going off when I first got here, I think having that level and bringing it here and then also getting my confidence when I was at Union and getting my confidence back in the last 10 to 15 games coming back in, just playing the way that I know I can play with everybody behind me, I'm just looking to get back and really make an impact and help the team go up in the Premiership which is where we belong.

"I had discussions with coach and I'm a player that's always in between the lines, I like to create and stuff like that. I think all across the front four is discussions we've had, maybe not so much at striker, but across the front three, just being in between the lines looking to create and take people on and yeah, move the ball up the pitch and then get goals and assists. And that's my game. That's what I want to continue to bring in. That's the discussions we had."

Watching Aaronson working and existing with colleagues old and new in the Leeds training camp in Germany, it looks for all intents and purposes like he has been welcomed back with open arms and fully integrated into Farke's squad. He looks just like any other player with a job to do and however satisfactory his explanation will be to fans, he can only now get on with it. He feels ready to do so.

"Yeah I'm in a really good place, I feel really sharp, I feel really confident, I feel like I fit the system really well with the guys," he said. "I know most of the guys, we're really close and we have good relationships. So I think it's really great to be back and see the guys and I think I've been smiling the whole time and just really excited to be back.

"I mean, from the first couple days that I've got here, I said that it's so professional, it's super high standards, and I really liked that, you know, because I think that it creates this team that - I mean yesterday, I'll give you an example. It was my first game of course, but I think in friendlies teams can go out, we've had tough sessions here, but we went and we were on the front foot from the beginning, you know and I think that that just shows the standards here, it's to win every game, win every friendly game and play at the highest level which I think we did yesterday. We need to continue to have this high standard throughout, going to meals, regen sessions like today, and I think that yeah, we're gonna have a great season.

"I've heard about [how gruelling the Championship is] and I had some friends that also played on the national team in the Championship like Antonee [Robinson] and Tim [Ream] and they always were complaining coming into camp how hard the season is. I know I'm ready for it, but I'm the type of player that, I'm not gonna knock on wood right now, but I'm not injured too often and always fit and I always try to work hard for the team and yeah, I'm ready to go for the season, for sure."
Quote from: Asbjørn on July 25, 2024, 13:20:52Bild (Tyskland)
Director rejects Leeds United's €4m offer – Whites returning with new bid

Leeds United are keen on signing 1. FC Köln's Dejan Ljubičić this summer.

Dette er gjentatt av de fleste vanlige kildene våre nå.
Det positive er at Farke nok kjenner han, og det ganske så grundig.
Men det er to ting:
Han (heller) scorer ikke mål.

Personal life
In August 2021, he was sentenced for throwing bottles at a mosque in Kiseljak three years earlier. He had to pay a fine of 1,000 BAM or serve ten days in prison.

Men igjen, Farke kjenner godt til ham. Vi vet hva vi får..
Ordet er fritt / Re: Pre season 2024/25
July 25, 2024, 13:43:00
Quote from: peacock on July 25, 2024, 13:26:16For et forslitt uttrykk.
Hvor mange målgivende hadde Rutter? Vil du erstatte ham?
Ja, vi trenger en sentral midtbanespiller, trolig en hardtarbeidende allrounder.


Dèt er dillemmaet. Rutter må spille. Summerville må spille (av dagens spillerstall). Resten kan være i troppen sammen med forsterkning(er).
Bild (Tyskland)
Director rejects Leeds United's €4m offer – Whites returning with new bid

Leeds United are keen on signing 1. FC Köln's Dejan Ljubičić this summer.

That's according to Bild, who state the Whites have made an initial approach by tabling a €4m bid.

It's claimed Köln managing director Christian Keller has rejected Leeds' offer for the 26-year-old.

Last season, the midfielder made 27 appearances in all competitions for the German club, who were relegated from the Bundesliga.

The report points out he has impressed during pre-season training so far and Köln want him to help them return to the top flight in 2025.
He has 12 months left on his deal and his club want to offer him an extension. This could have convinced them to reject Leeds' bid.

According to Bild, the Austria international doesn't want to sign a new contract, while the Whites aren't giving up. It's claimed Daniel Farke's side, after narrowly missing out on promotion, are expected to make an improved bid to sign Ljubičić.

There's no mention of the fee Leeds are set to offer. Transfermarkt values the player at €5m, and the German club probably would have to sell Ljubičić if he refuses to sign an extension and the Whites make an improved bid.
Gruev om det å spille ved siden av Ampadu:
In playing alongside Ampadu, Gruev had more licence to roam forward from their double pivot on Wednesday. He linked up nicely with Brenden Aaronson, completing a one-two, before rounding the goalkeeper for a seventh-minute opening goal.

It's versatility and unpredictability he is keen to take into competitive fixtures.

"I played a little bit more offensive than last year in this game, together with Ethan," he said. "When we play together, I have a little bit more freedom to go more up and also to go sometimes in the box.

"Today it worked out, where I scored. This is very nice because then you don't know, as an opponent, what are we doing, if I'm dropping or if I'm moving higher. It's more flexible and I like this."

Han snakker også om lederskikkelsene:
QuoteEn full back? Stuart Pearce-type da?
Mer en som er mett, "I'm full."

Bra at de spiser godt da :)
Ordet er fritt / Re: Pre season 2024/25
July 25, 2024, 11:45:13
Quote from: peacock on July 25, 2024, 11:15:55Det ser positivt ut! Er dog usikker på hvor mye slike kamper skal vektlegges.....
Nåværende tropp ser solid ut, og mister vi kun en av Gnonto/Summerville, er vi konkurransedyktige.
Rothwell fast? Tja.....Ampadu er bankers. Må konkurrere med Gruev.

Joda, enig der. Så lenge Ampadu brukes på midten så er det bare plass til to av de tre... Og Farke ønsker også en tredjemann inn på midten - som en del skriver: En boksåpner forhåpentligvis...

En full back og en midtbanespiller - det er Farkes ønske for sesongen (om Summerville/Gnonto blir).

Daniel Farke answered questions after Leeds United's 4-1 win over Hannover 96 and was honest about the needs his squad still has in the transfer window while his prized assets keep grafting away.
"So we're happy so far, but, especially in central positions, we won't fall asleep until the window is closed. In many positions, we are already more or less done in our planning, but this is definitely one of the positions we could do with a new addition, but it has to fit in all the ways.
"It has to be a quality player, good personality, he has to bring the skills we need and to be affordable, so all these topics have to come together, but this is definitely one of the areas where we will stay awake."
In the full-back positions too, Jayden Bogle and Junior Firpo could lock down the right and left sides respectively from August, with Sam Byram providing cover for both. However, the 30-year-old cannot be in two places at once and his injury record shows it would not be a surprise if he's not available to cover either flank at times next term.
Max Wober played at left-back in Wednesday's friendly win over Hannover 96 and Pascal Struijk has been used there in the past too, but Farke, it seems, would rather not pull them out of the centre too often.

"Overall, we've got three options with Junior, Jayden and Sam," he said. "Quality options, but we also know a bit about the injury CV of Sam and we have to be careful.

"One thing is for sure, just with three full-backs and one a bit older who has an injury CV, it will be difficult to survive in the Championship. It's definitely also one of the areas we still need to be aware and if there is a possibility to strengthen the squad in numbers, it's definitely something we should look at, yes."
Ordet er fritt / Re: Pre season 2024/25
July 25, 2024, 11:04:43
Silly, skriver han ene.

Men FANTASTISK når det funker :)
Ordet er fritt / Re: Pre season 2024/25
July 25, 2024, 10:36:28
Da fikk vi se laget i en ny pre seasonkamp.

Mine inntrykk (ikke fasit...):
Jayson Bogle gav et solid førsteinntrykk'. Endelig en ny Ayling som er med helt frem under angrep.
Vi har solid konkurranse i midtforsvaret. Rodon/Struijk evt Wöber i midtforsvaret om Ampadu brukes på midten. Wöber var venstreback i går men tror han er bak Firpo akkurat nå. Byram cover på begge plasser.

Interessant at Gruevs posisjon på midten var langt lenger fremme med Ampadu ved sin side (resulterte bl.a. i mål). Aaronson på Summervilles venstreside i førsteomgangen. Ellers virker vel Rothwell å ha sikret en plass på laget?

Joseph virker giftigst på topp. Farke helt i det uvisse mht til Gnonto/Summervilles fremtid ( ) Joffy får det fortsatt ikke til (selv om man som Smyth sier klart der at det er en fotballspiller der inne)
Chances will come, hopefully, because there's a real player in there.

I går stod også James over (knock) sammen med Bamfords (som kanskje får noen minutter i neste kamp).

Ellers registreres det at vi spiller mer vertikalt nå enn i fjor.

Eg er rimlig optimist pr nå, vi dominerte greit mot et Bundesliga 2 lag som var 10 dager unna seriestart.

Ordet er fritt / Re: Pre season 2024/25
July 25, 2024, 10:23:49
Quote from: Sydhagen on July 25, 2024, 07:23:38Når er neste kamp i Tyskland? Og mot hvem?
Mener eg har lest lørdag (på twitter), husker ikke motstander...
Ordet er fritt / Re: Pre season 2024/25
July 24, 2024, 23:43:49
Quote from: GeirO on July 24, 2024, 22:16:09Noen som vet om Hannover stilte et sterkt lag i dag, eller redusert?
Quote from: GeirO on July 24, 2024, 22:16:09Noen som vet om Hannover stilte et sterkt lag i dag, eller redusert?
Greien er i alle fall at de har seriestart om 10 dager.  🫢
Ordet er fritt / Re: Nye drakter 2024/2025
July 24, 2024, 23:40:56
Quote from: GeirO on July 24, 2024, 22:19:58Siden jeg er smileyfan er jeg fornøyd. Men rart at vi stiller med ulike klubbemblem på hjemme- og bortedrakt. Tror aldri jeg har sett noe slikt før.
Man må visst søke. Men mange klubber gjorde det forrige sesong, blant annet Manchester. Mener noen listet opp tre/fire PL-klubber som hadde det...
Quote from: karaba on July 24, 2024, 14:32:29Jeg synes det er veldig rart at Summerville i liten (eller ingen) grad er blitt intervjuet på LUTV og jeg kan heller ikke finne et eneste offisielt bilde av han i de nye draktene. Er vanskelig å tolke dette som noe annet som at Leeds forventer at Summerville forsvinner ut av klubben innen sesong start.

Han har da absolutt vært med på drakt-promoteringen 👀
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