Skrevet av Emne: KAMP: vs GILLINGHAM, 17/4 2010  (Lest 126706 ganger)

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Sv: KAMP: vs GILLINGHAM, 17/4 2010
« Svar #840 på: April 17, 2010, 20:53:33 »
At Eddie Gray har troa. Ja det er jo helt naturlig. Mannen har mista fotfeste for mange år siden og er omtrent like nøytral som en hane i et hønebur
Mannen er en fjott

Så, så, Håkon...

Serenity now...  Serenity now...
Slapp av og ta deg en øl til!

Gray er en av Leeds sine store,og er en gentleman!

Hets av en slik mann er lavmål!

Mulig du har rett. Men har du noengang hørt den mannen si et eneste kritisk ord om Leeds.
Han ble til og med sparka i klubben og sa bare positive ting etterpå. En gentleman javist. Men en gentlemann uten ryggrad

Om du stopper nå, slipper du gjøre deg særlig mindre enn du allerede har gjort. Om det er mulig...
Hva er dette for utsagn?Så hb er liten fordi han mener det han gjør om Eddie Gray.Faktisk er jeg helkt enig med hb.Eddie Gray-fantastisk spiller for Leeds og ambassadør for klubben, men: elendig manager og helt ukritisk som hb sier.Bare hør på LUTV-mannen stryker jo alt ved klubben langs hårene.Ingenting er feil...Dette har ingenting med hetsing å gjøre som noen hevder-latterlig utsagn!Går an å ha etpar forskjellige meninger i hue samtidig...


Sv: KAMP: vs GILLINGHAM, 17/4 2010
« Svar #841 på: April 17, 2010, 21:08:03 »
At Eddie Gray har troa. Ja det er jo helt naturlig. Mannen har mista fotfeste for mange år siden og er omtrent like nøytral som en hane i et hønebur
Mannen er en fjott

Så, så, Håkon...

Serenity now...  Serenity now...
Slapp av og ta deg en øl til!

Gray er en av Leeds sine store,og er en gentleman!

Hets av en slik mann er lavmål!

Mulig du har rett. Men har du noengang hørt den mannen si et eneste kritisk ord om Leeds.
Han ble til og med sparka i klubben og sa bare positive ting etterpå. En gentleman javist. Men en gentlemann uten ryggrad

Om du stopper nå, slipper du gjøre deg særlig mindre enn du allerede har gjort. Om det er mulig...
Hva er dette for utsagn?Så hb er liten fordi han mener det han gjør om Eddie Gray.Faktisk er jeg helkt enig med hb.Eddie Gray-fantastisk spiller for Leeds og ambassadør for klubben, men: elendig manager og helt ukritisk som hb sier.Bare hør på LUTV-mannen stryker jo alt ved klubben langs hårene.Ingenting er feil...Dette har ingenting med hetsing å gjøre som noen hevder-latterlig utsagn!Går an å ha etpar forskjellige meninger i hue samtidig...

Synes nesten at han MÃ… være ukritisk som kommentator på LUTV egentlig. Hadde han sitti der og klaget over managere, spillere og ledelsen i klubben så er en ting sikkert. Da hadde jeg hvertfall ikke giddi og sittet og hørt på kampene. Satser på at gutta fikk en liten alvorstrøkk i dag, og vil kjempe 110% i de 3 neste kampene. For der møter vi bedre motstand.

- Same, som fortsatt har troa  ;)

David Harle

Sv: KAMP: vs GILLINGHAM, 17/4 2010
« Svar #842 på: April 17, 2010, 21:19:57 »
Dersom du noen gang befinner deg i Leeds HB vil jeg fraråde og kalle hedersmannen Eddie Gray en fjott!   


  • Gjest
Sv: KAMP: vs GILLINGHAM, 17/4 2010
« Svar #843 på: April 17, 2010, 21:30:00 »
Dersom du noen gang befinner deg i Leeds HB vil jeg fraråde og kalle hedersmannen Eddie Gray en fjott!   

Jeg skal love deg. Majoritete av supporterne i Leeds i dag driter rett og slett i hvem Gray var. Er vel stort sett bare Billy og John Charles som er freda der.
Det vet jeg selv etter å ha diskutert dette med diverse mennesker som bor i Leeds. men for all del. Hvis man stort sett er på pben til Peter. ja da vil de ikke høre slikt. Men beveg deg litt andre steder i Leeds og Eddie Gray for faktisk gjennomgå av den vanlige mann i gata


Sv: KAMP: vs GILLINGHAM, 17/4 2010
« Svar #844 på: April 17, 2010, 21:32:47 »
Er litt småspent på hvem som får rett til slutt?

De som tror vi rykker opp eller de som ikke tror vi rykker opp?


David Harle

Sv: KAMP: vs GILLINGHAM, 17/4 2010
« Svar #845 på: April 17, 2010, 21:42:24 »
Gray er en mann som er meget høyt respektert som spiller og menneske i Leeds. Mannen har aldri sagt et vondt ord om Leeds. La gå at han nok ikke burde ha stilt opp som manager ved nedrykket, men det var nok vanskelig for han å takke nei når klubben han elsker var desperate etter å erstatte Reid. Gray er blant annet ansvarlig for å ha trent Woodgate, Kewell, Smith og en rekke andre. Disse spillerene har uttalt at han har vært avgjørende for at de slo i gjennom. Og denne mannen presterer du å kalle en fjott, på toppen av alt i en kamåtråd om matchen mot Gillingham. Det må være et lavmål selv for deg.    
« Siste redigering: April 17, 2010, 21:43:59 av David Harle »


Sv: KAMP: vs GILLINGHAM, 17/4 2010
« Svar #846 på: April 17, 2010, 23:06:38 »
At Eddie Gray har troa. Ja det er jo helt naturlig. Mannen har mista fotfeste for mange år siden og er omtrent like nøytral som en hane i et hønebur
Mannen er en fjott

Så, så, Håkon...

Serenity now...  Serenity now...
Slapp av og ta deg en øl til!

Gray er en av Leeds sine store,og er en gentleman!

Hets av en slik mann er lavmål!

Mulig du har rett. Men har du noengang hørt den mannen si et eneste kritisk ord om Leeds.
Han ble til og med sparka i klubben og sa bare positive ting etterpå. En gentleman javist. Men en gentlemann uten ryggrad

Om du stopper nå, slipper du gjøre deg særlig mindre enn du allerede har gjort. Om det er mulig...

Greit nok at han er en av de gamle gode spillerne. Men der slutter min beundring for Gray.
Akkurat nå så er vel du den mest patetiske her inne. Eddie Gray elsker Leeds. Han har faktisk ryggrad nok til å støtte laget sitt selv om det går dårlig, ja til og med etter å ha fått sparken. Mens du...... slenger dritt som vanlig. Du burde kanskje ikke snakke om ryggrad. Sjelden at jeg lar meg provosere , men ligg unna gamlegutta  >:(

Leedsoholic. Oppfinneren av "pretting".

Per Arne

Sv: KAMP: vs GILLINGHAM, 17/4 2010
« Svar #847 på: April 18, 2010, 09:50:45 »
At Eddie Gray har troa. Ja det er jo helt naturlig. Mannen har mista fotfeste for mange år siden og er omtrent like nøytral som en hane i et hønebur
Mannen er en fjott

Så, så, Håkon...

Serenity now...  Serenity now...
Slapp av og ta deg en øl til!

Gray er en av Leeds sine store,og er en gentleman!

Hets av en slik mann er lavmål!

Mulig du har rett. Men har du noengang hørt den mannen si et eneste kritisk ord om Leeds.
Han ble til og med sparka i klubben og sa bare positive ting etterpå. En gentleman javist. Men en gentlemann uten ryggrad

Om du stopper nå, slipper du gjøre deg særlig mindre enn du allerede har gjort. Om det er mulig...
Hva er dette for utsagn?Så hb er liten fordi han mener det han gjør om Eddie Gray.Faktisk er jeg helkt enig med hb.Eddie Gray-fantastisk spiller for Leeds og ambassadør for klubben, men: elendig manager og helt ukritisk som hb sier.Bare hør på LUTV-mannen stryker jo alt ved klubben langs hårene.Ingenting er feil...Dette har ingenting med hetsing å gjøre som noen hevder-latterlig utsagn!Går an å ha etpar forskjellige meninger i hue samtidig...

Som du sier; forskjellige meninger må aksepteres. Jeg mener h.b gjør seg liten, og vel er den største fjotten med slike utsagn. Du er en rævdilter, som selvsagt er enig med h.b, som vanlig.

Begynner å bli møkkalei av endel av dere verdensmestere her inne. Om h.b får kritikk for noe han spyr ut av seg, kommer du og et par andre alltid til unnsetning. Kaller det personhets o.l. Hva er det å kalle noen en ryggradsløs fjott? Ikke personhets? Slutt da.


David Harle

Sv: KAMP: vs GILLINGHAM, 17/4 2010
« Svar #848 på: April 18, 2010, 12:16:32 »
Han har jo snart 10 000 poster! Tipper at 99% av de innholder skitkasting på linje med den særdeles lite gjennomtenkte karakteristikken av Eddie Gray. Det er vel bare en som fortjener betegnelsen "fjott" her på forumet.


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Sv: KAMP: vs GILLINGHAM, 17/4 2010
« Svar #849 på: April 18, 2010, 12:20:00 »
...da stopper "persondiskusjonen"  her.

Resten av diskusjonen får dere ta på PM.
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Sv: KAMP: vs GILLINGHAM, 17/4 2010
« Svar #850 på: April 18, 2010, 12:35:02 »
At Gray er ukritisk synes ikke jeg. Såvodt jeg har merket meg og flere andre på waccoe, så er han ALLTID kritisk til spillerne. At han ikke klager på Bates er vel ikke forskjellig fra mange andre supportere samt, at d nok sikkert ikke er så kult å sitte slenge sjefen full i drit

Hallgeir *

Sv: KAMP: vs GILLINGHAM, 17/4 2010
« Svar #851 på: April 18, 2010, 16:35:36 »
Hentet fra Vital Leeds: 

Shane Higgs 4

Had very little to do apart from pick the ball out of the back of the net. Had no chance of either coming to claim the ball or keep out any of the goals.

Maybe he needs to start shouting at his defence a bit more as the communication seems to have stopped.

Leigh Bromby 4

Couldn`t get out of the way of Naylor`s header which went in off him for the third goal.
Both him and Howson failed to give Leeds an attacking option down the right.

Richard Naylor 2

Supposed to be our leader, at the moment he is the weak link in the side. Not been at the races all season. Personally, I do not think he`s ever been fully fit having missed pre season and then had further spells on the sidelines.

Picked up so many bookings this season for late and clumsy challenges which is usually down to a player not fully fit and a yard off the pace.

Certainly not the player we signed in January last year and seems to have lost his voice along with his confidence at the back. Since the loss of Kisnorbo he`s really been exposed, had a part in two of the three Gillingham goals with poor headers.

Neil Collins 4

Been the rock at the back since his arrival trying to fill in for the irreplaceable Kisnorbo. Today he was another who wasn`t quite at it and seem a yard to slow and continuously late into the tackle giving away a number of needless free kicks in dangerous areas.

Andy Hughes 4
I love this players desire and commitment for the club, unfortunately let down in the skill department in the past month. He has reverted back to the player who struggled in the first half of the season. Looked like he`d turned the corner when we was actually struggling in January in February with some good solid performances.

Jon Howson 3
Was he out there? Can`t remember him doing anything of note and went missing for large parts of the game. Seems to be one of Grayson`s favourites though and still completed 90 minutes.

Mike Doyle 3
Another one who did very little in the middle of the park, was one of the players who was caught ball watching for Gillingham`s first goal.

Neil Kilkenny 5
Kilkenny was the only one in midfield who tried to get something going, unfortunately had very little support and was given very little time on the ball to start things off for Leeds.

Robert Snodgrass 3
Was very quiet, never had much chance to do much in an attacking sense and was not surprised to see him subbed.

Max Gradel 5
Worked hard and got back to help the midfield with some good tackling. Had a frustrating afternoon in attack and was often guilty of not getting his head up, instead trying to beat everyone on his own.
Was denied by the keeper when he should have made it 1-1 soon after going behind.

Luciano Becchio 6 Star man
Had a very hard afternoon against a big Gillingham defence, still plugged away and set up Gradel for his chance after some good work. Got Leeds back into the game with his fourth goal in three games close to half time.


Jermaine Beckford 5 (Replaced Snodgrass 54)
Worked quite hard after coming on, won the penalty, which he coolly slotted home. Had a good chance to equalise soon after but failed to make a true connection.

Ben Parker 4 (Replaced Hughes 54)
Was brought on to give Leeds another option down the left hand side but never really made a difference.

Sanchez Watt 5 (Replaced Becchio 76)
Again made an impact when he came on and looked busy. The lad needs a bit more time on the pitch.

Simon Grayson 4
People were quick around me to jump on the manager for picking the side, this was the same side that took Carlisle apart on Tuesday night so what more could he do?

He tried to change things around with best part of half an hour remaining when reverting to a 3-4-3 but why bring on a defender to play in midfield? I think he would have been better off bringing on Sanchez Watt rather than Ben Parker who is a natural winger. When he did bring Watt on it was for only for the final fifteen minutes. We didn`t really look like scoring in the second half so should have been on much earlier.


Really don`t know what to expect next? Can the real Leeds United please stand up!

Just when we look like we have got the promotion push back on track we once again failed to take a fantastic chance and put some daylight between us and third place.

Give credit to a patch up Gillingham defence who had three big lads and looked comfortable dealing with the Leeds attack all afternoon.

Mark Bentley who usually plays in midfield looked at ease in defence and was probably there man of the match.

Was also impressed with Dennis Oli in attack who ran his socks off, put himself about and won nearly everything in the air he also chased things down and held the ball up very well.

Got to look at it in a positive view still, one less game to play (only three now) and we are still in second place and two of them are at home.

I think Charlton away is going to be the pivotal game of the season now and if we`d got the points at Gillingham we could have afforded to go to the Valley and be happy with a point. Really feel now we are going to have to take nine points to gain promotion.

Then again, in what`s been a mad few month`s and teams falling over each over to throw away promotion, I am sure I will have a completely different view this time next week.

Read more:
Super Leeds since 1968

Promotion 2010

Sv: KAMP: vs GILLINGHAM, 17/4 2010
« Svar #852 på: April 18, 2010, 23:17:13 »
Leeds United AFC: Shocking…

After the buzz of victory at Carlisle had worn off, the White Army turned its attention to the Friday night encounter between Huddersfield and Millwall. It was the first time that many could recall both sets of West Yorkshire supporters willing a home victory and for the Town fans, the 1-0 win must have tasted a tad bitter sweet. On the one hand improving their growing Play Off chances, whilst on the other aiding the cause of a team they hate. The White Army can empathise with this situation as it has happened twice in recent years. Ironically, the Whites both played and then subsequently aided the same team on each occasion. In 1999, The Whites hosted Arsenal knowing that victory would hand the title to the Red Enemy across the Pennines…

The Whites edged what was a bitterly contested game and Jimmy Floyd Hasslebaink popped up in the dying seconds to head home the winner. 5 years later, the Whites headed to Highbury in what was a 6 pointer for both teams. The Whites needing to win to avoid relegation, whilst the hosts needed to win to prevent the Red Enemy once again reclaiming the crown. In dazzling sunshine, the Whites shocked the hosts to claim a momentous and memorable 3-2 win, with Mark Viduka nicking a pulsating game with seconds to spare & sending the White Army delirious. On both occasions the White Army focused on our own needs rather dwelling on the repercussions. Of course, it is never easy watching the team you detest taking the title…

Town fans can at least reflect that their teams win was not as decisive. It was still a shot in the arm and with the boys taking on relegation haunted and injury ravished Gillingham, a real opportunity to move clear of the chasing pack was handed to the Whites. However it is days like today that once again test the White Armies faith and patience to the core. On a beautiful sun kissed day, our 540 mile round trip was plotted and executed to perfection and we gathered at the Priestfield with high hopes. Considering what has gone before in 2010, neither management, players nor the White Army could have expected to be in reach of 4 points clear from 3rd with 3 games to play. With that in mind, it was fair to expect that there would be no slip up this time…

We hoped the players would grasp the chance that lay before them, this despite Gillingham’s superb home form. However, the mantra of expect the unexpected has been the way of things in 2010 thus far. You would have thought that Grayson’s team would have selected itself after the Carlisle victory but Grayson elected on a change of plan. Pre: match, the manager could be seen walking around the car park rounding up 11 lads to play. In order to fool the paying public, he forced the bunch of strangers to wear the shirts of the team. So, one pretended to be Higgs in goal, the back Four lads all wore the names of Naylor, Hughes, Collins and Bromby. Grayson must have chuckled to himself as the lads put on the shirts of Howson, Doyle, Kilkenny and Snoddy…

Grayson then finally giving Max and Becchio’s shirts to the last men standing. Now you may think this is all a joke and this could not possibly have happened. Sadly, for 44 minutes, that team that took apart Carlisle were not visible. In their place were a group of fellas that did not seem to know each other, could not pass a ball to each other, did not talk to each other and at times, clearly did not like each other. The result was a home side who smelt blood from the off and proceeded to rip our sorry arses apart. Only 2 minutes had played before injury hit Gillingham were dealt a huge blow with defender Dennehy looking like he broke his nose. It caused a reshuffle at the back for the hosts, but it served to inspire rather than weaken them…

Within minutes, the home side were ahead as Naylor’s weak header out of defence was headed back past Higgs with interest. It was sloppy and had summed up the defending up to press. Seconds later the boys in Yellow put together the only move of note as Becchio fed Max, but his shot was saved by Julian. That was as good as it got for the bunch of strangers as they then rolled over and made the hosts look like Chelsea on a good day. Howson, Doyle, Kilkenny and Snoddy all neither interested nor able to get a grip on the game and the less said about Naylor and Collins performance the better. Howe hit the post as the hosts began to look like scoring on every attack and the only surprise was it took 30 minutes to get a 2nd…

Millers cross was met by Bentley for a near free header and 2-0. The White Army reeled in shock, then roared with encouragement. However before the White Army could take a breath, the hosts were given a comedy 3rd. Naylor heading a Miller cross at Bromby and the ball rebounded past Higgs. 0-3 down with 33 minutes on the clock and the White Army were stunned into silence. It could have got worse, as Gillingham poured forward at every opportunity and with Collins and Naylor having a mare, anything could have happened. As we approached halftime, Gillingham’s players switched off for the first time and a move down the left saw the ball fed into Becchio just inside the area…

Becchio turned his man and send a superb strike into the bottom far corner for 1-3 and something like hope at halftime. Only football fans could go back into history to find something to cling on to. Derby at home in 98 and Southampton away in 05 were cited. Both great comebacks, but it was going to take more than nostalgia for something to happen here. Most expected changes at halftime, but Grayson stuck with the same players. Becchio did have a headed chance, but Gillingham were just happy to sit back and hit on the break. This meant that the boys in Yellow had to make the most of possession, but each opportunity to deliver a ball was spurned. Max the major culprit as most crosses were over hit and it wasn’t long before Grayson acted…

Hughes and Snoddy made way for Beckford and Parker. Both players making an impact and it was Parker who caught the eye with some determined forays forward. There was nearly an hour on the clock when Kilkenny smashed one over the bar, followed by Parker dragging one wide and that really was as good as it had got. We looked to clear Blue skies and prayed for a downpour of volcanic ash to postpone the game and put us out of our misery, but it was not to be. Naylor was doing his best to get out of the game early and was lucky to only get booked after one cynical challenge stopped the hosts on the break. With time ticking and the hosts time wasting, Grayson threw on young Watt for Becchio…

The lad did at least show some nice touches, but with the game descending into stop – start farce at Wiley’s whistle, the home side appeared to be on course for an easy victory. However with 5 minutes left, Beckford chased what seemed to be a lost cause and won a penalty. Beckford picked himself up and buried the spot kick low to the keepers left and a glimmer of home once again appeared. Seconds later a ball in from the Leeds left flashed into the box, but once cleared, the ball was never to come back near the home goal again. Gillingham ensured that the 4 minutes of injury time were played out in one of the corner flags and powder puff attempts to not let them were laughed at…

The final whistle sparked a Priestfield party and the left the White Army angrily reflecting on another chance to break away from the pack slipping through our grasp and a shocking display. In a bizarre twist to the race for automatic promotion, all the other results went our way meaning that we remain in 2nd spot with 3 games to play. So, on a day where other results meant that the least we will end the season with is a Play Off place, unbelievably, automatic promotion is still in our own careless hands. The question is, do the players actually want it?

Leeds United AFC… “Expect the Unexpected”…  Keep Fighting…
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Tom S

Sv: KAMP: vs GILLINGHAM, 17/4 2010
« Svar #853 på: April 19, 2010, 06:43:23 »
Trur gutta det er "Farmen" de er med på?
Og ikkje vil at Larry skal få "kniven" sin....


Hallgeir *

Sv: KAMP: vs GILLINGHAM, 17/4 2010
« Svar #854 på: April 19, 2010, 09:33:19 »
Trur gutta det er "Farmen" de er med på?
Og ikkje vil at Larry skal få "kniven" sin....

Nå har de i alle fall kniven på strupen...
Super Leeds since 1968