Breaking news i engelsk fotball

Started by Kato, March 16, 2017, 12:56:49

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Quote from: Lucas the Kop Cat on August 12, 2018, 13:00:00
Quote from: Blank_File on August 12, 2018, 11:58:07
Vi har vel ikke noe voldsomt behov for han, men for oss nordmenn hadde det jo vært utrolig moro.
Er han ikke som spiller litt som Saiz? Vi kunne vel trengt en backup der?

Sent fra min ONEPLUS A6003 via Tapatalk
Han er vel mer lik Klich (offensivt), han har ikke det drivet til Saiz.

Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Noen mennesker tror at fotball gjelder liv eller død. Jeg liker ikke den innstillingen. Det er atskillig mer alvorlig enn som så. - Bill Shankly

Promotion 2010

Jack Lebeau

West Ham’s email to away season ticket holders confirming their ticket for Wimbledon has cc’d in every single person who has got the ticket.

Massive data breach for a top PL club. Fine can be up to 4% of annual income. Hugely embarrassing for club.

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Rivalene forsterker. Ryan Woods til Stoke. Så plutselig Besic spille for Boro, den hadde ikke jeg fått med meg. Villa låner sansynlig Bolasie og nærmer seg Abraham..

James Collins på free er linket til oss..

Mange gode spillere som er tilgjengelige der ute nå! Tipper det blir mange lån som blir permanente fra 1.1.19..


Quote from: eriksen55 on August 25, 2018, 00:24:24
Rivalene forsterker. Ryan Woods til Stoke. Så plutselig Besic spille for Boro, den hadde ikke jeg fått med meg. Villa låner sansynlig Bolasie og nærmer seg Abraham..

James Collins på free er linket til oss..

Mange gode spillere som er tilgjengelige der ute nå! Tipper det blir mange lån som blir permanente fra 1.1.19..

Tammy Abraham hadde vært no' , men igjen.... vi trenger desperat en stopper!
Villa forsterker virkelig nå, har jo snart igjen ett nytt lag- og myyyye kvalitet.


Quote from: Cherry on August 25, 2018, 10:24:50
Quote from: eriksen55 on August 25, 2018, 00:24:24
Rivalene forsterker. Ryan Woods til Stoke. Så plutselig Besic spille for Boro, den hadde ikke jeg fått med meg. Villa låner sansynlig Bolasie og nærmer seg Abraham..

James Collins på free er linket til oss..

Mange gode spillere som er tilgjengelige der ute nå! Tipper det blir mange lån som blir permanente fra 1.1.19..

Tammy Abraham hadde vært no' , men igjen.... vi trenger desperat en stopper!
Villa forsterker virkelig nå, har jo snart igjen ett nytt lag- og myyyye kvalitet.

Der er Bielsa uenig med deg da. Han mener vi har fire bra stoppere pluss gutter fra u23 som kan steppe inn. Ingen grunn til å tvile på han egentlig, men føler det er litt gambling. Holder Shaughnessy og Pontus det nivået Berra og Cooper har vist, og klarer Berra og Cooper holde det nivået gjennom en hel sesong?


Quote from: eriksen55 on August 25, 2018, 10:41:46
Quote from: Cherry on August 25, 2018, 10:24:50
Quote from: eriksen55 on August 25, 2018, 00:24:24
Rivalene forsterker. Ryan Woods til Stoke. Så plutselig Besic spille for Boro, den hadde ikke jeg fått med meg. Villa låner sansynlig Bolasie og nærmer seg Abraham..

James Collins på free er linket til oss..

Mange gode spillere som er tilgjengelige der ute nå! Tipper det blir mange lån som blir permanente fra 1.1.19..

Tammy Abraham hadde vært no' , men igjen.... vi trenger desperat en stopper!
Villa forsterker virkelig nå, har jo snart igjen ett nytt lag- og myyyye kvalitet.

Der er Bielsa uenig med deg da. Han mener vi har fire bra stoppere pluss gutter fra u23 som kan steppe inn. Ingen grunn til å tvile på han egentlig, men føler det er litt gambling. Holder Shaughnessy og Pontus det nivået Berra og Cooper har vist, og klarer Berra og Cooper holde det nivået gjennom en hel sesong?
alkurat dette forstår jeg ikke av Bielsa.
4. Kampen i den lange sesongen og vi stilte allerede uten stoppere
I år rykker vi opp!


Quote from: gulle on August 25, 2018, 11:56:51
Quote from: eriksen55 on August 25, 2018, 10:41:46
Quote from: Cherry on August 25, 2018, 10:24:50
Quote from: eriksen55 on August 25, 2018, 00:24:24
Rivalene forsterker. Ryan Woods til Stoke. Så plutselig Besic spille for Boro, den hadde ikke jeg fått med meg. Villa låner sansynlig Bolasie og nærmer seg Abraham..

James Collins på free er linket til oss..

Mange gode spillere som er tilgjengelige der ute nå! Tipper det blir mange lån som blir permanente fra 1.1.19..

Tammy Abraham hadde vært no' , men igjen.... vi trenger desperat en stopper!
Villa forsterker virkelig nå, har jo snart igjen ett nytt lag- og myyyye kvalitet.

Der er Bielsa uenig med deg da. Han mener vi har fire bra stoppere pluss gutter fra u23 som kan steppe inn. Ingen grunn til å tvile på han egentlig, men føler det er litt gambling. Holder Shaughnessy og Pontus det nivået Berra og Cooper har vist, og klarer Berra og Cooper holde det nivået gjennom en hel sesong?
alkurat dette forstår jeg ikke av Bielsa.
4. Kampen i den lange sesongen og vi stilte allerede uten stoppere

Vi hadde Berardi da, han er stopper nå. Conor på benken. Før kamp var Ayling et ok alternativ, etter kamp avskiltet. Jeg mener det ikke er så ille.

Det gjør det mer imponerende da, 2-2 borte mot Swansea!

Vi har 3 bra stoppere +Conor og Ayling. Hvor mange lag i CC har flere?

Problemene mot Swansea handler like mye om at det er tynt på høyreback bak Ayling.. Shackleton god offensivt, ille bakover. Dallas skadet, men hva kan han levere?

Vi får håpe at Bielsas inntreden har løftet Dallas, Conor osv på samme måte som Berardi, Cooper, Phillips, Klich, Roofe. Isåfall er det ikke sikkert dette er så ille :)


Wolves går opp i ledelsen mot City. Med hands. Med VAR ville et slikt mål aldri ha blitt godkjent. Videodømming kommer til å tvinge seg fram i klubbfotballen også, så lenge dommerne lar åpenbare blødmer passere. Uten teknologi ville Leeds' første mål mot Rotherham aldri ha blitt godkjent. Dommeren dømte der først utspill fra mål.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020

Promotion 2010

Her har vi en tidligere kjenning som har fått plass i troppen til Ireland:

There is also a first senior call-up for Kristiansund BK goalkeeper Sean McDermott!

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


DETTE er strengt tatt BREAKING NEWS i engelsk fotball: Newell's Old Boys har overtatt engelsk fotball! :)

Newell's Old Boys - English

Teams managed by two Newell’s Old Boys legends now occupy 1st and 2nd position in the English Championship and Premier League in England, respectively. 

The #Newells Effect
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Promotion 2010

Quote from: Asbjørn on August 27, 2018, 23:13:50
DETTE er strengt tatt BREAKING NEWS i engelsk fotball: Newell's Old Boys har overtatt engelsk fotball! :)

Newell's Old Boys - English

Teams managed by two Newell’s Old Boys legends now occupy 1st and 2nd position in the English Championship and Premier League in England, respectively. 

The #Newells Effect

Ikke glem toppen i Championship!  ;)
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Quote from: Promotion 2010 on August 27, 2018, 23:27:59
Quote from: Asbjørn on August 27, 2018, 23:13:50
DETTE er strengt tatt BREAKING NEWS i engelsk fotball: Newell's Old Boys har overtatt engelsk fotball! :)

Newell's Old Boys - English

Teams managed by two Newell’s Old Boys legends now occupy 1st and 2nd position in the English Championship and Premier League in England, respectively. 

The #Newells Effect

Ikke glem toppen i Championship!  ;)
...tror du skal lese tweeten en gang til.
Den omtaler fire klubber ;)
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Promotion 2010

Quote from: Asbjørn on August 27, 2018, 23:34:19
Quote from: Promotion 2010 on August 27, 2018, 23:27:59
Quote from: Asbjørn on August 27, 2018, 23:13:50
DETTE er strengt tatt BREAKING NEWS i engelsk fotball: Newell's Old Boys har overtatt engelsk fotball! :)

Newell's Old Boys - English

Teams managed by two Newell’s Old Boys legends now occupy 1st and 2nd position in the English Championship and Premier League in England, respectively. 

The #Newells Effect

Ikke glem toppen i Championship!  ;)
...tror du skal lese tweeten en gang til.
Den omtaler fire klubber ;)

Ã...hhh lang dag!

God natt!  ;)
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Quote from: Promotion 2010 on August 27, 2018, 23:38:50
Quote from: Asbjørn on August 27, 2018, 23:34:19
Quote from: Promotion 2010 on August 27, 2018, 23:27:59
Quote from: Asbjørn on August 27, 2018, 23:13:50
DETTE er strengt tatt BREAKING NEWS i engelsk fotball: Newell's Old Boys har overtatt engelsk fotball! :)

Newell's Old Boys - English

Teams managed by two Newell’s Old Boys legends now occupy 1st and 2nd position in the English Championship and Premier League in England, respectively. 

The #Newells Effect

Ikke glem toppen i Championship!  ;)
...tror du skal lese tweeten en gang til.
Den omtaler fire klubber ;)

Ã...hhh lang dag!

God natt!  ;)
Er vel to klubber, Leeds og spurs det siktes til her eller?

Sent fra min E5823 via Tapatalk



Quote from: kongsmo on August 28, 2018, 06:41:02
Er vel to klubber, Leeds og spurs det siktes til her eller?
I stand corrected…
Ikke skjønte jeg hva Liverpool og Middlesbrough hadde med NOB å gjøre.
Men det er jo opplagt når du sier det :D
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.

Promotion 2010

The 92

Evangelos Marinakis (owner of both Nottingham Forest and Olympiacos) wanted to sign Olympiacos midfielder Panagiotis Tachtsidis for Forest but ran out of time in the window..

.. So instead he terminated Tachtsidis' contract at Olympiacos and signed him on a free for Forest!


Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Exclusive: Birmingham facing 12-point deduction after breaking EFL spending rules

John Percy
Birmingham City's ground
The club could be hit with the deduction this season, bringing further turmoil after a win-less start Credit:  PA
Birmingham City are facing the prospect of being hit with a huge 12-point deduction for breaking rules on spending, in a landmark case for the English Football League.

Garry Monk’s Championship club could be struck with the unprecedented punishment this season after the EFL agreed on the proposed sanctions this week.

Birmingham are understood to be in deep trouble for breaching profitability and sustainability rules, with the EFL determined to adopt a tough stance by pushing for a deduction of up to 12 points and a heavy fine.

Rival Championship clubs have also complained over Birmingham’s £2m signing of Danish left-back Kristian Pedersen while under a transfer embargo.

Pedersen was signed from Union Berlin in June despite the club operating under a “soft” embargo, leading to the EFL later admitting in a statement that they were “exceptionally disappointed”.

Birmingham signed Pedersen while the club was under a transfer embargo Credit:  Getty Images
Birmingham’s hearing is likely to be in the next two months and the club, owned by Trillion Trophy Asia, is expected to contest any sanctions. A verdict will then be delivered by an independent panel, possibly before Christmas, with the EFL and clubs pushing for a “game-changing punishment”.

Telegraph Sport understands the possible points deduction could even be imposed this season, which would throw Monk’s campaign into further turmoil.

Birmingham were hit with an embargo at the end of last season after exceeding the permitted losses of £39m over a three-year period. In August they had to agree a business plan with the EFL in August after the embargo was partially lifted.

That allowed Monk to sign five players in the summer transfer window, but the plan restricted him to only free transfers or low-cost loans on wages under £10,000 a week.

If Birmingham are found guilty, it would be the toughest punishment yet for a English club.

Queens Park Rangers agreed a £42m settlement with the EFL in January and accepted an embargo for the next transfer window after overspending in the 2013-14 season.

Bournemouth and Leicester have also reached cash settlements for breaching FFP regulations, but a points deduction for Birmingham would be the most severe sanction.

Birmingham are currently 20th in the Championship and still waiting for their first league win of the season under Monk, who was appointed as manager in March.

The club declined to comment.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Skal ikke dra frem hva Leeds United har vært igjennom av økonomiske og - trekk i ligaen , men det skal bli interessant å se hva resultatet blir med Bham . Skjønner ikke hva klubbene driver med, når de vet de er i siktet til FA ! Aston Villa reddet seg med et nødskrik vel , med nye eiere , selv om det sportslig resultatmessig kladder for klubben . MOT .

Promotion 2010

Furious row as all of Saturday's 3pm Football League games to be shown live for the first time

By Amitai Winehouse And Jack Gaughan For The Daily Mail 21:30 07 Sep 2018, updated 22:38 07 Sep 2018
All 3pm games in League One and League Two will be shown live for first time
Every game is available online for a £10 fee but several clubs are frustrated
No Saturday 3pm match has been shown live in England since the 1960s
Football League chiefs were accused of breaking one of the English game’s 10 commandments by allowing all of Saturday's 3pm matches to be screened for the first time.

Every fixture from League One and Two during this international break is available online â€" for a £10 fee â€" but several clubs believe this could be the beginning of the end of a sacrosanct ruling agreed in the 1960s.

No Saturday 3pm match has been shown live in England since Burnley’s Bob Lord convinced fellow Football League chairmen it would lead to a fall in attendances.

All of the 3pm games in League One and League Two on Saturday are set to be shown live
Fears resurfaced this week after two EFL emails reminded clubs they could stream matches.

Andy Holt, Accrington Stanley chairman, said: ‘It’s sleight of hand by the EFL. I’ve spoken to half a dozen clubs and they had no idea.

‘If there were a football 10 commandments, that’d be in it. It’s one that shouldn’t be broken â€" it’s not broken in the Premier League.

‘Saturday 3pm is lad and dad time, mum and daughter time â€" part of culture. ’

Accrington Stanley chairman Andy Holt has hit out at the controversial decision
In two EFL emails seen by Sportsmail, chief executive Shaun Harvey said that crowd figures linked to domestic streaming will come under the strangely named ‘Project Genie’ â€" which looks at ‘the alternative business model for the EFL from 2019-20’.

The EFL has offered streams of all 3pm Saturday games outside the UK since the start of the 2017-18 campaign.

This season, they announced that all midweek games would be available on iFollow, their online streaming service.

In one letter to clubs, dated July 5, the EFL said: ‘Games played in League One and League Two during international periods will also be eligible as the Blocked Hours protection does not apply.’

Another, dated July 20, read: ‘For 2018-19, all eligible games will be streamed... so we can compare this against any loss of gate receipts’.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Southend United

#Blues have signed goalkeeper David Stockdale on an emergency loan from @BCFC ahead of today's game against Peterborough United

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Ikke «breaking news» på noen måte, men må si jeg føler litt med Hull som har vært i langvarig oppløsning i lengre tid:

Samtidig må man trekke litt på smilebåndet når man ser at Leeds er nevnt i en sak om en klubb i kaos, hvor det er avstanden opp til serieleder Leeds som er referansen

Promotion 2010

Bolton Wanderers could be in administration 'within hours'

Marc Iles MarcIles
10 September 18

Bolton Wanderers could be in administration 'within hours'

Don't be last to know! Get the latest local news straight to your inbox.

BOLTON Wanderers could slip into administration tomorrow morning if last-ditch talks to pay-off a loan debt of nearly £5million fail to bear fruit.

The Bolton News understands an administrator has been appointed by finance company BluMarble, who had set a deadline of 5pm today for club owner Ken Anderson to settle the dispute. No agreement was reached, and paperwork has now been filed by legal representatives at court.

There is yet scope for the administration notice to be voluntarily revoked by BluMarble â€" but that would hinge on their demands being met overnight and funds cleared before they are filed at court in London by 10am.

As a result of an insolvency event, EFL rules state Wanderers can be deducted 12 points in the Championship, which if triggered would leave them bottom of the table on minus one point.

Debenture holders â€" former owner Eddie Davies, local businessman Michael James, Brett Warburton and Barclays Bank â€" were instructed of BluMarble’s intention to appoint an administrator on Friday and have negotiated unsuccessfully over the weekend and throughout today to try and avoid the worst case scenario.

Wanderers’ current operating losses are around £6m a year but the club is expected to show a small profit in their next set of financial accounts, due largely to the sale of Gary Madine to Cardiff City.

The funding gap for the next 12 months, taking into consideration only those debts which are due and outstanding bills, is thought to be close to £13m.

It is understood BluMarble are prepared to fund administration for several months to allow a search for a credible buyer to take over the club.

One of the bids being readied is believed to be from an American billionaire with an extensive interest in sports, media and entertainment.

As of June 2015, it is also a legal requirement for an administrator to speak with the supporters’ trust and give them an opportunity to mount an offer.

A formal statement from official receivers Quantuma, represented by Andrew Hosking, is expected to confirm their position on Tuesday morning.

The BluMarble loan was taken out in December 2015 as Sports Shield were preparing their bid to takeover at Wanderers â€" although this was done before Anderson came aboard with Dean Holdsworth. The terms of the loan were renegotiated last year, with the due date moved to September 1, 2018.

Speaking last month, Anderson has claimed in an interview with BBC Radio Manchester: “We are due to pay BluMarble at the beginning of next month and I don't see any reason why we won't be paying that.”

Negotiations did not run as smoothly as anticipated however, and the chairman told The Bolton News this evening: “I offered to repay the actual monies they loaned to Sports Shield BWFC but my offer was declined, unfortunately. A full statement will be made when appropriate.”

Anderson â€" and indeed the club â€" have the option of legal recourse and can appeal the penalties imposed but as things stand the club will be placed into administration within hours.

The last professional club in England to fall into administration was Aldershot Town in 2013 after their relegation from League Two. After a rule change in 2015, no club has ever fallen foul on the EFL’s s automatic 12-point deduction.

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

?? ?? ??

Bolton Wanderers agree deal with main creditor to avoid administration

12 September 2018
Getty Images Ken Anderson
Bolton owner Ken Anderson says he has reduced the club's liabilities which will save £1.5m
Bolton Wanderers say they have avoided administration after agreeing a deal to pay off their main creditor BluMarble Capital Ltd.

Owner Ken Anderson had warned the Championship club was due to be placed in administration after an initial offer to repay the firm was rejected.

Bolton had offered to repay a £4m loan plus interest but have not confirmed the financial aspects of the deal.

They have, however, avoided punishment from the English Football League (EFL).

Administration would have drawn a 12-point deduction and a two-year transfer ban from EFL.

But terms of a settlement were agreed with the finance firm to ensure that they did not lodge papers at the High Court on Tuesday.

In a statement to supporters Anderson apologised for the "consternation" caused but said that the last few days had been "very complex and far from easy".

He also confirmed that loans from other creditors had been extended on better terms than before, saying it would save the club around £1.5m moving forward.

"I believe the club now has one of the lowest debt positions in the Championship," he said.

Bolton took out a loan with BluMarble in 2015 and according to the Bolton News there is a funding gap for the next 12 months of up to £13m.

Wanderers, who were promoted from League One last season, almost went into administration in November 2016 and faced a winding-up petition over unpaid taxes last summer.

They also cancelled a friendly with St Mirren in July after players went on strike claiming they had not been paid wages and bonuses owed to them.

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Martyn Ziegler

Football lawmakers consider plans to speed up play as Cardiff v Burnley hits 5-year low - ball only in play for only 42mins 2sec

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973