Skrevet av Emne: EX-"manager" og "head-coach" : Brian McDermott  (Lest 382019 ganger)

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Hallgeir *

Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #90 på: April 12, 2013, 18:24:40 »

Friends already  :)

Helt sikkert!

Dessuten fant de ut at de går til samme frisør....
Super Leeds since 1968

Bites Yer Legs

Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #91 på: April 12, 2013, 18:26:59 »
En Leeds-manager som snakker om et fellesskap, ikke om seg og sitt. Befriende.


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Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #92 på: April 12, 2013, 18:51:07 »
For those who missed Brian McDermott's first #lufc press conference, here is what was said...

Why Leeds United?
"I possibly wouldn't have taken a job at this stage of the season apart from here.
 "It's a massive club - I don't need to tell you about the history of the club.
 "It's a great opportunity for me to come in and I can't wait to get going. I'm really looking forward to it."
When were you approached by Leeds?
"It wasn't long after Neil Warnock left. I wouldn't tell you specifics but the original conversation was about coming in in the summer.
 "Things escalated and I spoke to Shaun a couple of days ago and they wanted the manager in place now.
 "That was something that I had to think long and hard about.
 "I had a couple of days to think about that and it just feels right.
 "I went to the training ground today and met the staff and the players.
 "The whole smell around the training ground just feels right. They are fantastic facilities.
 "You can see the players want to go in the right direction and they are a really good group."
Will you have a budget to spend?
"It's a question that will be answered in the summer. I don't know the answer to that.
 "I've come here on a lot of goodwill, quite frankly.
 "I have spoken to Shaun and I have had a lot of assurances.
"I have spoken to one of the owners as well just now and had a really good conversation.
"He said they want to take this club forward and no one person can do that on their own.
 "This has got to be a group, a team situation where we're going in the same direction.
 "That's one of the things we created at Reading and one of the major reasons we were successful.
 "We need to create an environment here where we're all going in the same direction because we all want the final end goal to get ourselves out of this league into the league above."
What have the owners told you about their vision for the football club?
"I've just had a brief conversation now.
 "The assurances I've had are that they want to take the football club forward.
 "More importantly I have spoken to Shaun and and that's very much what he is saying.
 "I wouldn't have come to a football club if I felt that wasn't going to be the case.
 "You feel you need to have a chance. Unfortunately at Reading I had to sell players, year-in and year-out and we were still successful.
 "It's not all about one player, it's not all about the manager, it's about the team.
 "I look at the players we have got and we have got good players here.
 "We have a short-term position that we have to sort out and then we'll move on to the summer."
What will you position be this weekend?
"I'll be right amongst it. There's five games to go and I have spoke to Neil Redfearn and he will be on the bench with Nigel.
 "We'll take control of the game."
Shaun - This was talked about happening in the summer, is Brian here because you're in a relegation scrap?
"We need to make sure we don't get relegated.
 "Would we have stayed up, wouldn't we have stayed up?
"Who wants to take that gamble when there is action you can take?
 "There's a suggestion it's a knee-jerk reaction but we identified a number of realistic targets that would match this club's ambition.
 "Despite media speculation to the contrary, the only person we've offered the job to was Brian.
 "I appreciate there are going to be lots of questions about the future direction of the club.
 "It shows the stature of a man like Brian McDermott that he is willing to take the job on face value.
 "Listen to what they have got to say about how they will take the club forward, whether that is in the format we are in now or with investment behind us which is what we have said we need.
 "Then it's that positive outlook about what takes the club forward.
 "It's what happens on the green bit that is key and that's where we need the expertise of Brian McDermott to take us forward.
 "That's why we are absolutely delighted that he accepted the opportunity to become the club's manager."
Have you got a philosophy?
"My philosophy is that you create a system that suits the players.
 "I've created different systems with Reading in the past - when we had Gylfi Sigurdsson, we played him off the striker and built the team around him.
 "We played some fantastic football.
 "Last season we had a team that had a fantastic mentality and could go to away grounds and not have too much of the ball but we hit teams on the break and were disciplined and we didn't lose games.
 "We've got a group of players at Leeds that are different.
 "We will create the model for whatever the group of players demands.
"We have players who can pass it, that can keep the ball and one or two who can score goals.
 "Foremost, we want to entertain our fans and at the end of the day it's about results."
Shaun - Why Brian?
"Looking at his recent track record, he got Reading promoted last season with a squad that people weren't making favourites.
 "What we needed was a club manager that can look at all aspects of the club over a period of time.
 "Two much chopping and changing and you're in a situation when you're sat in Press conferences too often.
"We want to try put a structure in place that can support the club in the long-term, not just the short-term.
 "When you look at the people who have worked in clubs like that... one of the attractions of Brian is that he did virtually every job at Reading.
 "He understands how clubs work - he might have to do every job here!
"Not but, he understands how clubs work from top to bottom.
 "We need to embrace the skills that he can bring with him and utilise them, obviously on a Saturday afternoon but also outside Saturday afternoons.
 "But the future stars of Leeds United football club are names that haven't been heard of.
 "Neil Redfearn is massively important to the club because he has been important in bringing these players through.
 "But it has to be embraced and Brian somebody who can look beyond tomorrow and look at the long-term interests.
How difficult will the short-term job be?
"The first thing we have got to look at is the game tomorrow.
 "We've looked at the opposition and the most important thing is to get a result.
 "I will be out to do that. I've managed roughly 200 matches and not had too many easy games in my life - that's the level we are playing at.
 "You treat the opposition with the utmost respect, which we always do. We will do whatever we have to do.
 "I want our players to play with no fear, which is really important to me.
 "I remember coming to this stadium a couple of times with Reading and thinking 'wow, this is an amazing atmosphere, we'll do well to get a result here'.
 "That's what the fans can generate that atmosphere where the players just love coming to play here."
Neil Warnock said this is a team that's two good players short of promotion, do you agree?
"I think it's unfair of me to even comment on that.
"I have to have a good look in the next four weeks and look at it in the summer and make some decisions then.
 "Neil is a good judge. He has had promotions and he has been a good manager.
 "I will do my assessment on everything and go from there."
Have you picked the team for tomorrow?
"I spoke to Redders about the team. We had a good conversation.
 "Redders knows the players and where they are at.
"We've got a team that we're going to put out there and we know what it is going to be.
 "He has done a great job with the players."
David - What's GFH's view on this?
"I think Shaun has touched on it.
"Obviously, Brian was our number one choice and has a proven track record and shares our long-term vision for the future.
 "He really was the best option for us."
Was there an element of wanting to prove Reading wrong?
"Good question. I'm not necessarily here to prove a point. I proved at Reading many times and my record suggests I know what I'm doing.
 "The answer to the question is yes and you have got and manager and assistant who are very hungry - and we were hungry before.
 "We come here now and we feel that we have a point to prove. There's nothing wrong with that.
 "I've said to the players that they have a point to prove - to prove you can play in a fantastic stadium and get results.
 "We've all got a point to prove."
How will you feel playing Reading next season?
"I'm only thinking about Sheffield Wednesday and that's genuine.
 "I don't think about next season. What happens in the future is not an issue."
Timescale on getting back to the Premier League?
"No, I never do that. You try to get as many points as you can over a period of time and then you try get up the table.
 "Last season we were miles off it - I think 18 points behind - but we kept going and kept believing."
You mentioned selling players at Reading, do you have assurances it won't happen at Leeds?
"I haven't sort assurances on that because I know that I'm in the real world.
 "I lost Sigurdsson for £7m and he was a player that scored 20 goals for me.
 "I lost Shane Long and that was a massive blow to me after when he brought to the table.
 "When I lost Shane Long I thought 'if you can lose a player of that calibre and still end up winning the league, it can never be about one player'.
 "That was my philosophy on something like that because he was a phenomenal player.
 "I lost Matt Mills - my skipper - and don't get me wrong, I don't want to lose any player, absolutely not.
 "The best place for players to develop is at Leeds United. If there's a massive bid that comes from a Barclays Premier League team for one of the younger players then that's down to the board." · Reply
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #93 på: April 12, 2013, 19:09:55 »
BMcD er et godt valg i nåværende situasjon.
Første mål er å berge plassen. Det kan vi gjøre i løpet av første uka om vi får stang inn....
Deretter må det ryddes og bygges på nytt. Mange av våre nåværende spillere holder ikke mål om vi vil rykke opp..
Håper han får midler til å handle for i vår og sommer!
La oss støtte manageren og eierne og gi de en sjanse til å vise resultater framover.
Så langt har eierne vist at de vil endre kurs; de prøvde WatchLeeds4Less med suksess, gav rabatt på neste års sesongkort, og har tatt action med å få en ny lovende manager når Warnock måtte gå...
Det går kanskje ikke så fort som noen av oss håper på, men jeg er villig til å gi de tillit!


Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #94 på: April 12, 2013, 19:16:19 »
Han virker så avbalansert, målrettet, og med høy selvtillit. Får nesten litt tårer i øynene når man ser han snakke.

Får han frem budskapet sitt til spillerne og de biter på så kan dette bli meget bra.

Jeg er "alltid" positiv, men man kan jo håpe at dette er begynnelsen på en ny storhetsperiode for Leeds United.

Jeg vil tro at han har fått garantier om størrelsen på warchest'en til sommeren. Nå kan vi bare glede oss til fortsettelsen...

I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.

Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #95 på: April 12, 2013, 19:20:00 »

Really pleased with this appointment!

 Warnocks attitude was "you are lucky to have me".

 McDermott appears to have the attitude of "I'm genuinely happy to be here"

 He may bring a couple of his old Reading squad across with him, they have some fine players.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #96 på: April 12, 2013, 19:23:42 »
My thoughts:

 - "A lot of good will". Just like I thought he's grabbed the chance to come here (like they all do to be fair) with little assurance of anything. So hopefully we can stop any "he wouldn't be here if he hadn't been promised..." stuff.

 - He's a nice guy and a modern thinker but we knew that already.

 - "Different formations to suit the players". I like. Modern thinking again and a complete contrast to what we've had to endure this past season.

 - He's been an U19 coach and a reserve coach. This along with the fact he strikes me as the kind of guy people enjoy working for means we may have the man to bring our promising youngsters through.

 - Byram's gone in the summer but McDermott knows how it goes.

 - Haigh bumbling through the Press Conference, a man who clearly knows sod all about football trying to answer questions about football. :D

 - Harvey's "long term vision" spiel. Again. Sigh. 9 years, Shaun. 9. Years. How much longer does this vision get?

 For me, he's a solid appointment. But he's not the man who is going to come in and turn everything inside out and demand Williams is f**ked off which is what we need. I think they've brought him in knowing his track record will appease the fans but he won't be rocking the boat when we say "Brian, we're selling Byram and you're getting some of the fee to spend on loan wages" as as he freely admits, he's worked under those conditions before. That's not to say he won't be able to work magic. He may just.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #97 på: April 12, 2013, 19:34:28 »

Really pleased with this appointment!

 Warnocks attitude was "you are lucky to have me".

 McDermott appears to have the attitude of "I'm genuinely happy to be here"

 He may bring a couple of his old Reading squad across with him, they have some fine players.

Kenny < McCarthy

Kebe og Robson-Kanu må gjerne komme.
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.

Jon R

Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #98 på: April 12, 2013, 19:41:43 »

Really pleased with this appointment!

 Warnocks attitude was "you are lucky to have me".

 McDermott appears to have the attitude of "I'm genuinely happy to be here"

 He may bring a couple of his old Reading squad across with him, they have some fine players.

Helt annen type enn NW. Warnck fremstod alltid som ufeilbarlig og kom med billige floskler om alt det flotte han skulle få til. Ansvaret og skylden for sportslige nedturer ble alltid lagt utenfor han selv. Jeg er bare så GLAD for at en ydmyk og samtidig åpenbart kompetent mann har overtatt Warnocks plass. Dette er en langtids løsning som jeg virkelig har trua på. Det gjelder også om det " umulige"  og utenkelige skulle skje i mai....
Jon R.


Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #99 på: April 12, 2013, 20:12:56 »
Jeg har hatt god tid i dag, så jeg har lest meg opp på div Reading forum om hva fansen hadde/har å si om B McD. Det virket som om det var mange negative komentarer (også under hans tid som manager i Reading) med at han var for lojal ovenfor sine Championship spillere som egentlig ikke hadde noe særlig mere kvalitet enn nettopp å være Championship spillere når de var i PL og at han ikke var/er i stand til å bruke de pengene som han har til rådighet. Jeg så at en hadde skrevet at han var en alt for snill og hyggelig person til å være manager i PL , og klubber som fikk han som manager ville forbli i Championship. Men personlig har jeg tro på B McD og jeg syns at det var bra at GHF satser på å gi han en 3 års kontrakt (selv om det kan bli dyrt å sparke han om det skulle gå rett vest)

Uansett lykke til Brian McDermott!

Forza Leeds!


Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #100 på: April 12, 2013, 20:17:38 »

Really pleased with this appointment!

 Warnocks attitude was "you are lucky to have me".

 McDermott appears to have the attitude of "I'm genuinely happy to be here"

 He may bring a couple of his old Reading squad across with him, they have some fine players.

Helt annen type enn NW. Warnck fremstod alltid som ufeilbarlig og kom med billige floskler om alt det flotte han skulle få til. Ansvaret og skylden for sportslige nedturer ble alltid lagt utenfor han selv. Jeg er bare så GLAD for at en ydmyk og samtidig åpenbart kompetent mann har overtatt Warnocks plass. Dette er en langtids løsning som jeg virkelig har trua på. Det gjelder også om det " umulige"  og utenkelige skulle skje i mai....
Veldig positiv til BMD :)
Det jeg ikke er så positiv til er at Harvey tydligvis må ha lovet noen midler i sommer...vel, jeg hadde ikke kjøpt noe av Shaun Harvey for å si det sånn....Er bare så redd for at BMD ikke får noen av sine targets, og må som foregående managere ta til takke med "rasket" på transfermarkedet :(

Ian Baird

Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #101 på: April 12, 2013, 20:29:29 »
BM virker som en svært likanes type.
Ydmyk, seriøs, glimt i øyet, målrettet, systematisk og troverdig.
Sier han legger opp taktikk etter spillermateriell og ikke omvendt. Nei denne karen kan jeg virkelig like.
Klatrer flere etasjer over forgjengeren. Nå kan man jo bli Leeds-supporter på heltid igjen - etter et drøyt år i apati-tåka.

« Siste redigering: April 12, 2013, 20:31:47 av Ian Baird »
Cellino 5. April 2014: We will be back in the Premier Leauge by 2016.


  • Gjest
Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #102 på: April 12, 2013, 20:34:17 »
Pessimisten p0ndus velger og konvertere til og være optimisten p0ndus angående denne signeringen. Mannen berger skuta og så seiler vi på en bølge av medgang  gjennom 13/14 sesongen.


Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #103 på: April 12, 2013, 21:12:25 »
@PhilHayYEP: McDermott gave clear hints that the recruitment/scouting systems at #lufc will be overhauled. He and Gwyn Williams know each other well.
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #104 på: April 12, 2013, 21:55:19 »
Vil Brian lede Leeds mot Shef-Weds imorgo?

Fant det ut  ;D
Leksvik whites


Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #105 på: April 12, 2013, 21:57:57 »
@PhilHayYEP: McDermott gave clear hints that the recruitment/scouting systems at #lufc will be overhauled. He and Gwyn Williams know each other well.
Ansett Dominic Matteo som speider! Gwyn Wiiliams har ikke overbevist akkurat....


Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #106 på: April 12, 2013, 22:42:08 »
Spennende  :)


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Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #107 på: April 12, 2013, 23:17:24 » det rart jeg (plutselig) har fått veldig sans for fyren?  ;D
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #108 på: April 12, 2013, 23:28:38 » det rart jeg (plutselig) har fått veldig sans for fyren?  ;D
Nei er det rart, har vel vore din favoritt lenge han? Ja McDermott altså ;D

Jon R

Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #109 på: April 13, 2013, 15:44:03 »

Skamroses for bytter og taktiske endringer underveis i debuten. MOM iflg gutta på Leeds radio!  :D
Jon R.


Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #110 på: April 13, 2013, 15:59:08 »
Fantastisk start. Fantastisk å snu kampen.

Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #112 på: April 13, 2013, 16:29:56 »

McD 2nd half we created some good stuff.

McD - The longer the game went on the more we passed the ball and the better we got.

McD - Had such a good day. Fans never got on the players backs. - 'I've had such a good day. [The crowd] gave us everything. It's a fantastic start.

McDermott full of praise for Neil Redfearn and Richard Naylor. He adds: 'It's a great start. Now we look forward to Burnley.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #113 på: April 13, 2013, 17:15:32 »
Denne mannen får oss opp!!!!

Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #114 på: April 13, 2013, 17:20:11 »
Anyone notice him say "We need to all be pulling together in the same direction...and we all need to be living in the same area"

 Maybe there has been some comments about Warnock going back down to Cornwall through the week and not really being at the club on a day-to-day basis.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #115 på: April 13, 2013, 17:52:54 »
Er vel et ordspill, men sikkert mat for konspirasjonsteoretikerne..
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.

Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #116 på: April 14, 2013, 15:13:19 »

MÃ…Ã…Ã…Ã…L!!!!    ;D
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #117 på: April 14, 2013, 15:45:41 »
får ett bra intryck av mcdermott(men det fick jag säkert av Wise, grayson och warnock med), som allaa andra som varit här så ville han verkligen ha detta managerjobbet, han verkade ödmjuk och ta upp Leeds till PL är inte en enmanjobb utan alla måste dra åt samma håll dvs spelar, tränare fans och ägare.

Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #118 på: April 14, 2013, 18:08:43 »
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Manager: Brian McDermott
« Svar #119 på: April 14, 2013, 20:18:00 »

Really pleased with this appointment!

 Warnocks attitude was "you are lucky to have me".

 McDermott appears to have the attitude of "I'm genuinely happy to be here"

 He may bring a couple of his old Reading squad across with him, they have some fine players.

Helt annen type enn NW. Warnck fremstod alltid som ufeilbarlig og kom med billige floskler om alt det flotte han skulle få til. Ansvaret og skylden for sportslige nedturer ble alltid lagt utenfor han selv. Jeg er bare så GLAD for at en ydmyk og samtidig åpenbart kompetent mann har overtatt Warnocks plass. Dette er en langtids løsning som jeg virkelig har trua på. Det gjelder også om det " umulige"  og utenkelige skulle skje i mai....
Enig . har troa på vår nye sjef  :)